On July 30th, 2024, due to an important database update, there will be service interruptions in the Student Self-Service and Workforce Management areas between 8 AM and 11 AM. Thank you for your understanding.

251.691 Modul History of Architecture and Building Archaeology
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2022W, VU, 8.0h, 10.0EC


  • Semester hours: 8.0
  • Credits: 10.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Hybrid

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to

.  apply the methods of documentation and analysis of buildings, ensembles and their local conditions - basics not only for building archaeological research, but also for planning in a historical context. The courses cover deformation-oriented surveying from manual to high-tech techniques (including in the fields of photogrammetry and 3D laser scanning), analytical building surveys and efficient literature and archive research for the historical context.

. to prepare a comprehensive study on the history of change and development of a building or building complex or selected constructive phenomena as well as to reconstruct construction processes and planning intentions in the context of general aspects of cultural and architectural history of the respective epoch.

. to recognize and discuss general and building-specific aspects of construction history as a mirror of the possibilities and the innovative content of the buildings to be examined.

. to work scientifically, to define a research question, to develop and verify hypotheses and to present their results in the field of architectural research in a professional oral and written way.


This course is part of [SIQ!] Bauforschung.Denkmalpflege

Subject of course

The Last House. The Via Latina and Appia Antica in Rome and its Sepulchral Architecture

Das Modul Baugeschichte und Bauforschung beschäftigt sich im WS 2022 im Rahmen des Forschung-in-der-Lehre-Projekts „Das Letzte Haus. Die Via Appia Antica in Rom und ihre Sepulkralarchitektur“ mit ausgewählten antiken Grabbauten entlang dieser 312 v. Chr. angelegten Ausfallstraße der Ewigen Stadt. Im Fokus der Bauaufnahme stehen ein Tempelmausoleum mit besonders gut erhaltenen konstruktiven und dekorativen Details und benachbarte Vergleichsbauten. Darüber hinaus werden wir uns aber auch den Veränderungen, Zerstörungen, Umnutzungen und nicht zuletzt den Inszenierungen der Anlagen hier über die Jahrhunderte widmen – aber nicht nur denen der Grabbauten, sondern auch der Nutz-, Wehr- und Wohnarchitektur entlang der Appia.

Um die Studierenden nicht nur an die Bau- und Bautechnikgeschichte der römischen Antike, sondern auch an sehr aktuelle Themen wie „Planen und Bauen im historischen Bestand“, „REUSO“, „Archäologische Parks im 21. Jahrhundert“, „Overtourism“ etc. heranzuführen, besichtigen wir im Rahmen des Aufenthalts in Rom natürlich auch Bauten und Orte im Kontext: z.B. Ostia antica, Parco della Caffarella, Villa dei Quintili etc.

Allgemeine Lehrinhalte des Moduls

Bauforschung bedeutet die Rekonstruktion der gestalterischen Idee, die einem Gebäude innewohnt, re-agierend auf den kulturellen und gesellschaftlichen Kontext seiner Entstehung. Sie ist eine Art rückwärts aufgeschlüsseltes Entwerfen und gleichzeitig eine Möglichkeit, das Gebäude und seine spezifischen Lösungen kritisch zu diskutieren und zu bewerten - d.h. je nach Bauaufgabe Kriterien wie Aktualität, Nutzungsqualitäten, gestalterische Kohärenz, Nachhaltigkeit usw. zu hinterfragen.
Die Methoden der Bauforschung und ihre Bedeutung für die dem Bauen vorausgehenden Tätigkeiten (Gutachten, Dokumentation, historische Bewertung, Koordination) in der Planung und Umsetzung von Interventionen am Bestand (Sicherung und Konservierung, Umnutzung, Umbau, Sanierung, Restaurierung, Rekonstruktion) sowie für die dem Bauen nachgeordnete, wissenschaftliche Betrachtung von Architektur sind Themen des Moduls.

As part of our building documentation there will be a special focus on structural details such as various types of masonry, construction with "roman concrete" (opus caementitium) as well as construction site logistics of antiquity. Building analysis will then consider relevant facts of architectural history concerning topics like "building- and functional typologies", "sepulcral architecture" (necropolis, mausoleum, catacomb), "live and death along the Via Appia" and much more.


!! Meetings for Modul Baugeschichte will always be held Wednesday all they, we ask students to take this into consideration when selecting their desired course.

21.10. - 27.10.2022 time of the study trip to Rome excl traveling days (see semester plan)

approx. € 600 - 650 expected expenses for flight + accomodation + entrance fees

Registration for this course will be done via TISS-Pools for Module of Master Architecture - students will then be assigned to the different courses of the module during the introductory meeting 

communication concering the Modul will be handled solely via TISS-News. Participants are asked to check their settings in LVA-Cockpit to make sure all messages will be delivered to their email account. A short guidance can be found here.

Teaching methods

  • overview of historic construction techniques (VO 251.684 Bautechnikgeschichte)
  • elaboration of the complete context of building history of the research object (SE 251.142 Baugeschichte Bauforschung)
  • understanding the methods of historic building documentation and building archeology (VU 251.114 Einführung in die Methoden der Bauforschung)
  • obtaining a comprehensive historical overview of the studied object (UE 251.694 Baudokumentation und -analyse am Einzelobjekt)

example results of building documentation pointcloud Modell Tomba Barberini   ortho view facade Tomba Barberini

Mode of examination


Additional information

To minimize a risk of infection during participation in this course a series of measures are to be implemented. An registration to the courses is understood as consent to the compliance of these measures.

study trip
Important part of the Modul Baugeschichte Bauforschung is the close contact with the object of investigation itself. Therefore, a study trip was organized last year within Modul Baugeschichte, and it is our intention to do so again this year, documenting architectural objects to have basic scientific materials to work with for the rest of the semester. Looking at the current situation it seems possible to go on such a trip. As criteria for our possibility to visit Rome, regulations provided by TU Wien as well as travel restrictions to Italy are considered as binding. Should there be the necessity of a quarantine when travelling to Italy, the study trip will be cancelled without substitution. It is considered a responsibility of students to provide all necessary documents and certificates (3g / 2G / 1G) for the trip. To minimize finanzial risk for all involved organization intends to cofirm all bookings as late as possible to be open for any change of plans as long as possible. A "point of no return" will be defined where all bookings should be finalized. Despite working towards minimizing financial risk for everyone it should be stated that Forschungsbereich Baugeschichte und Bauforschung will not be able to reimburse any advance payments or financial liabilities in connection with the study trip! Nevertheless, in comparison to last winter, it appears more than plausible that people with the needed G-certificates will be able to participate in such a study trip.

Should the level of infection deteriorate to a point that rules out the envisioned study trip, course will be held based on a "virtual building documentation". Despite knowledge and experiences gathered through out the last months, holding a course in this way is new even to teaching personell. It is understood as a project in progress and in development in the face of mandatory distance learning. If possible, members of TU Wien will collect new high resolution data of objects in Rome for students to work with. Should this also not be possible, data from previous years in excellent quality is at hand.
Executing the courses in this way is declared plan B or even C - nevertheless, should there be the necessity to do so, the situation should be embraced and help exploring new methods of teaching building documentat and building archeology as well as the analysis of a historic object.

courses in Vienna
Aside from the up mentioned study trip the Modul Baugeschichte Bauforschung will be held in a hybrid format. To encourage collaborative cooperation between students and teachers for researching the objects of investigatio, we hope for a certain level of interchange between all people involved. This should be achieved through some meetings in person within small groups of people that allow personal exchange of ideas and discussion. The final maximum number of participants for such events is yet to be defined by rectorate of TU Wien. In this way we will especially work on post-processing the building documentation, discussing the building analysis as well as the written seminar. All content that is tought in form of a lecture will categorically be held online via a conferencing platform.

With objects on site mostly without interior spaces and time spent predominantly outside the risk of infection within the group during the study trip is considered somewhat reduced. Splitting students into small groups and avoiding close contact in between groups should further reduce probability of a possible infection.

Following measures are implemented:
. necessity of a mandatory 3G certificate for the whole duration of the study trip or in-person meetings at TU Wien
. spacial distance between working groups during on site time; reduction of contact within the group as much as possible
. desinfection of devices used for building documentation when changing groups; small equipment will be available individually per group
. registration of all people of contact and documentation of contacts
. teaching personell will be equipped with face-masks during close instruction to reduce cross-infection between working groups
. COVID-19 coordinator will be appointed to ensure the implementation of these measures

Despite all measures it is crucial for all people involved to act in a respectful and responsible way at all times to allow such a course to be held at this point. After all implementations the participation in this course is still voluntary and at everyone's own risk. Especially pointed out should be that every person involved showing signs of an infection, like fever or respatory symptoms, should excluded themselves from participating in this course.



Course dates

Wed09:00 - 18:0005.10.2022 - 22.02.2023Seminarraum 251 Modultag
Wed12:00 - 19:0023.11.2022PC7 Rhino Intensivworkshop
Wed11:00 - 13:3030.11.2022PC7 Rhino Zusatzworkshop
Modul History of Architecture and Building Archaeology - Single appointments
Wed05.10.202209:00 - 18:00Seminarraum 251 Modultag
Wed12.10.202209:00 - 18:00Seminarraum 251 Modultag
Wed19.10.202209:00 - 18:00Seminarraum 251 Modultag
Wed26.10.202209:00 - 18:00Seminarraum 251 Modultag
Wed02.11.202209:00 - 18:00Seminarraum 251 Modultag
Wed09.11.202209:00 - 18:00Seminarraum 251 Modultag
Wed16.11.202209:00 - 18:00Seminarraum 251 Modultag
Wed23.11.202209:00 - 18:00Seminarraum 251 Modultag
Wed23.11.202212:00 - 19:00PC7 Rhino Intensivworkshop
Wed30.11.202209:00 - 18:00Seminarraum 251 Modultag
Wed30.11.202211:00 - 13:30PC7 Rhino Zusatzworkshop
Wed07.12.202209:00 - 18:00Seminarraum 251 Modultag
Wed14.12.202209:00 - 18:00Seminarraum 251 Modultag
Wed21.12.202209:00 - 18:00Seminarraum 251 Modultag
Wed28.12.202209:00 - 18:00Seminarraum 251 Modultag
Wed04.01.202309:00 - 18:00Seminarraum 251 Modultag
Wed11.01.202309:00 - 18:00Seminarraum 251 Modultag
Wed18.01.202309:00 - 18:00Seminarraum 251 Modultag
Wed25.01.202309:00 - 18:00Seminarraum 251 Modultag
Wed01.02.202309:00 - 18:00Seminarraum 251 Modultag

Examination modalities

building documentation folder (digital and analogue), seminar paper, lecture exam


TitleApplication beginApplication end
Theoriemodule Master12.09.2022 09:0022.09.2022 23:59


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 443 Architecture Not specified


No lecture notes are available.

Previous knowledge

expected is a basic knowledge in sketching and manifacturing of architectural drawings

experience in surveying and written communication of architectural topics with scientific intent is beneficial

lectures and exercises of the Institute of History of Art, Building Archeology and Restoration

Accompanying courses

Continuative courses


  • Attendance Required!

