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258.007 drawing and visual languages (part 2) This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2021S, VU, 3.0h, 4.0EC


  • Semester hours: 3.0
  • Credits: 4.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Online

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to read, understand and sketch architectural and urban issues. They have an extended repertoire of freehand depiction to grasp and analyse complex architectural and urban spatial contexts and to abstract them adequately in terms of representation. They know the laws of perspective representation and apply them consistently. They are able to develop font/image designs in order to conceive and compose posters in a graphically effective way. You have a repertoire of visual communication tools relevant for further study.

Subject of course

Freehand representation by drawing and/or painting. The project work at the beginning of the semester pays special attention to design-related, imaginative sketching of space and different aspects of representational means (grafic desing basics).  In the drawing exercises  on the spot (taking place once a week subsequent to the project work), specific aspects of the problems of presentation of architecture and its surroundings are worked out self-actingly  and theoretically by means of different motives in urban space. By the series of lectures accompanying the weekly drawing exercises, alongside practical contents, theoretical and scientific relations relevant to the topics as well as exemplary art-specific relations and correlations are established. Lectures of artists offer a first possibility to become familiar with the manifold languages and forms of contemporary art.


Teaching methods

Methodical course elements (parallel to each other or based on each other):

Lecture: Here you will be introduced to the basics, techniques and insights into artistic practice and you will gain important basic knowledge for independent work during the practice units. Student works from previous years will give you orientation.
The weekly lecture units are closely coordinated with the practice sessions and form an integral part of the course.
Drawing in practice groups: Here you practice the contents presented in the lecture with intensive personal supervision.
Consolidation exercises: According to the information provided, you will be able to independently implement and upload the content on a weekly basis.
Online tutorial: As an aid to self-study, the basics of perspective presentation are explained in detail online and presented step by step in a comprehensible manner
Sketch book: This helps you to acquire and deepen your sketching-routines.

Mode of examination


Additional information

Lectures and courses online (further informations see TUWEL and TISS-News)!

First lecture + introduction: Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021 / online-lecture (s. TUWEL)
ZOOM-lecture-link: https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/96520171550?pwd=MXQxZGowVEhwWFNBZVFJYkFwY3ZJdz09
(Meeting-ID: 965 2017 1550  Passwort: 4y1w#sVE)
Ringvorlesung: jeden Dienstag, 11:00

Übungsbeginn: je nach UE-Gruppe Dienstag, 09.03. / Mittwoch, 10.03. / Donnerstag, 11.03.2021
Übungsteil: wöchentlich statt findende Zeichenübungen mit Anwesenheitspflicht während der Meetings

Start of practical exercises: Tuesday, March 09th / Wednesday, March 10th / Thursday, March 11th 2021

Lecture: Every Tuesday, 11:00

Practical exercises: Continuous participation via ZOOM-Meeting is required for these practical exercises.


1. For regular students: Registration even for  ZVS2 only by LVA 259.250 GESAMTANMELDUNG Grundkurs Architektur und Konstruktion, groups A01-E20. Further informations: https://tiss.tuwien.ac.at/course/educationDetails.xhtml?dswid=1512&dsrid=994&courseNr=259250&semester=2021S
This general registration will start at February 2th, 8:00 a.m. and end on February 19th, 08:00 a.m.

2. All students who did not take or complete ZVS2 yet can register in LVA 258.007 from 23th of February 8:00 a.m. to 3th of March, 11:55 p.m.

1. Before enrolling in a group, please make sure you want to attend this course in order not to occupy the place of another student!

2. Please note that you can de-register from this course until March 22th 2021/ 11:55 p.m. per TISS. After this deadline, the course will be graded ("Nicht genügend") even if not attended or not completed!

You have to attend the course from the very beginning.
It is not possible to arrange a change of group when the course once has started.

For further urgent information please contact kh@kunst.tuwien.ac.at



Examination modalities

Mandatory lecture: continuous participation in the lecture and courses is a precondition for a positive examination. The final grade comprises the evaluation of the project work, the drawing work after the motif, independently performed home-exercises and sketch book.

A positive grade for the ZVS course is only possible if all the individual grades are positive. A positive for the drawing tutorial requires regular attendance for the full duration of the tutorials. The whole semester (all parts) must be repeated if the drawing tutorial grade is negative. Failed project work can only be retaken with permission of the lecturer up until the beginning of the next academic year (1st October). After this date, all positive drawing tutorial grades are forfeit and the semester has to be repeated in its entirety.

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
23.02.2021 08:00 03.03.2021 23:55 22.03.2021 23:55


The student must have at least 1 of the course(s) completed listed below:

Group Registration

GroupRegistration FromTo
A01 | Di 13:00-16:00 | Harather23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55
A02 | Di 13:00-16:00 | Lechner23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55
A03 | Di 13:00-16:00 | Kaufmann23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55
A04 | Di 16:00-19:00 | Harather23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55
B05 | Di 16:00-19:00 | Lechner23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55
B06 | Di 16:00-19:00 | Kaufmann23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55
B07 | Do 13:00-16:00 | Mittmannsgruber23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55
B08 | Do 16:00-19:00 | Mittmannsgruber23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55
C09 | Mi 13:00-16:00 | Mariacher23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55
C10 | Mi 13:00-16:00 | Mayr23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55
C11 | Do 13:00-16:00 | Manka23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55
C12 | Do 13:00-16:00 | Mair23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55
D13 | Mi 13:00-16:00 | Chamier23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55
D14 | Mi 16:00-19:00 | Mariacher23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55
D15 | Mi 16:00-19:00 | Mayr23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55
D16 | Mi 16:00-19:00 | Aichinger23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55
E17 | Do 13:00-16:00 | Hollenstein23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55
E18 | Do 16:00-19:00 | Hohenbüchler23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55
E19 | Do 16:00-19:00 | Mair23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55
E20 | Do 16:00-19:00 | Chamier23.02.2021 08:0003.03.2021 23:55


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 243 Architecture Not specified2. Semestertrue
Course belongs to the introductory and orientation phase ("Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase")


"Arbeitshandbuch ZVS" is sold at the Institute, Karlsplatz 13, Stg.10, 4.St.,

Previous knowledge

Skills in perspective sketching.


Preceding courses

Continuative courses


