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389.168 Advanced Wireless Communications 1
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2021W, VO, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 3.0
  • Type: VO Lecture
  • Format: Online

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to optimize traffic flows in mobile cellular networks. He can evaluate the interactions between nodes in the core of a mobile network (data/signaling level). The student knows and can analyze signaling procedures on radio and core links in mobile networks.

Subject of course

The student will gain knowledge in 2G / 3G and 4G Core Networks, Software Defined Networks.

Specifically, a student shall be able to optimize traffic flows in mobile cellular networks. He can evaluate the interactions between nodes in the core of a mobile network (data/signaling level). The student knows and can analyze signaling procedures on radio and core links in mobile networks.

In the area of M2M, D2D, and LTE-M the student will learn to calculate the impact of massive M2M rollout in LTE networks. The student shall be able to use modulated Markov Processes for calculation of M2M traffic.
The student shall be able to use source traffic models (Markov Chains, Heavy Tails, ...) to solve a certain problem. He can compare traffic models for SRD to mobile cellular networks and name the difference and impacts as well as compare traffic models for LRD to SDR. He can quantize the impact of heavy tails in mobile networks.

The student knows the differences between Passive / Active Performance Monitoring and can apply this knowledge to solve a given scenario. He can explain the Pro/Cons of Active/Passive Monitoring. He can implement the setup of a passive monitoring system for mobile cellular networks. The student shall be able to define an IP layer benchmarks in any reactive, e.g., mobile cellular networks and analyze comparable QoS, QoE and KPI elements of such a result.

The student shall be able to identify the parts necessary for a Cross-Layer Optimization in a mobile cellular network. He can compare different approaches and explain the functions of each level.

The student can apply methods for Error Resilient Video Coding in mobile cellular networks.


Teaching methods

The basic key elements of this lecture will the thought in a frontal presentation.

In addition to this we will use methods of interactive learning, e.g., flipped classroom. The students will be asked to apply the current knowledge onto practical problems with the support of online tools.

Tasks of cooperative, problem oriented teaching is added in regular intervals.

Mode of examination

Written and oral

Additional information

First lecture: Tuesday, October 5, online in GoToMeeting Platform


Lectures will be uploaded to TUWEL, there will be a monthly meetup to discuss the content and the information.

In order to get access on TUW'EL, please register in TISS for the course to allow for an automatic import. If the lecture has already started, drop philipp.svoboda@tuwien.ac.at a note!



Course dates

Tue16:00 - 17:0005.10.2021 GoToMeeting Room - https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MDBiZjZkMzYtZjExOS00NTViLWE1MGYtNDQ5NDlkMTMyM2Jj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22dffdfdd4-77f5-445a-9dc0-1f5c6d259395%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%224eaa5e81-c8c9-464d-9a64-c9c3a949f1 (LIVE)First Lecture / Modus Operandi
Tue16:00 - 17:0009.11.2021 MS-Teams (Calendar Entry) (LIVE)Questions Set1 (Mobile Networks)
Tue16:00 - 17:0007.12.2021 MS-Teams (Calendar Entry) (LIVE)Questions Set 2 (Traffic Models and More)
Tue16:00 - 17:0011.01.2022 MS-Teams (Calendar Entry) (LIVE)Questions Set 3 (Solution)
Tue09:00 - 11:0025.01.2022 Exam

Examination modalities

oral exam (3 questions, ~ 45min)

home work (optinal, graded)

Course registration

Not necessary


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 507 Telecommunications Not specified


Video and Multimedia Transmissions over Cellular Networks: Analysis, Modelling and Optimization in Live 3G Mobile Communications

Previous knowledge


–389.157 Wireless Communications 1 –389.163 Digital Communications 1 –389.166 Signal Processing 1 –389.158 Communication Networks 1  



Mobile Cellular network (basics): Core / Radio Access Internet: UDP, TCP, IP, … Services: eMail / HTTP / streaming (basics)

Video: Video encoding and transmission


Preceding courses

