Hardware of a digital control loop, discrete-time signals, difference equations, z-transform, impulse sampling, signal reconstruction, pulse transfer functions, block-diagrams, stability of single-input/single-output systems (SISO-systems) Design of digital controllers using discrete-time equivalents of continuous-time controllers and the root locus method, analytical design (dead beat controller), analysis and design of digital control systems using state space methods, controllability and observability, state-vector feedback, discrete-time observers, optimal control.
The lecture is interactive. It is based on a structured, detailed lecture script, whereby numerous multimedia contents (illustrative videos, practical examples, MATLAB animations of relevant contexts and controller behavior) are also used to support the building of knowledge and understanding.
Students are interactively involved in scientific discussions and in close interaction with the exercise in terms of content.
Written examination (theory part, then computer-assisted application part)
Further exam dates are available upon request (in groups or individually). Please contact the lecturers if needed.
Lecture notes for this course are available at the institute (Getreidemarkt 9, skyscraper BA, 6th floor, E325-04 Research group of Control and Process Automation, Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics)
Price: EUR 15.- (Lecture notes), EUR 10,- (collection of exercise problems)
Ogata: Discrete-Time Control Systems