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307.468 Pressure Vessel Technology - Design Work
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2025S, UE, 4.0h, 4.0EC


  • Semester hours: 4.0
  • Credits: 4.0
  • Type: UE Exercise
  • Format: Blended Learning

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to...

  • perform stress calculations for pressure vessels of medium complexity.
  • design pressure vessels of medium complexity by means of 3D-CAD systems.
  • assess the quality of pressure vessels based on design drawings.
  • illustrate the requirements of a pressure vessel in the form of a specification (guide drawing).

Subject of course

Capture a specification, performing stress calculation, and design of a pressure vessel. Software for stress calculation and CAD-software are used.

Teaching methods

In the first course, each participant receives their design task. To complete the task and to check comprehension, the student prepares a specification sheet (specification) in the first week, which is discussed and completed with the lecturer. In the following week, the student draws up a list of calculations in which they propose strength calculations. This is also discussed and completed together with the lecturers. The strength calculation is then prepared and submitted in the middle of the semester. The design is then carried out on the basis of these calculations using the appropriate CAD software.

Meetings are held weekly for the design exercise, whereby organisational and content-related details are discussed in the course of a short lecture and then individual briefings are held with the participants.  Online meetings are offered for those who cannot attend on site.

In a TUWEL course, organisational and content details as well as old recordings are made available. In addition, TUWEL is used for submissions and the allocation of online appointments.

Mode of examination


Additional information

Coordination of the lecture on Pressure Vessel Technology (329.024) with the corresponding design exercise (307.468):

The lecture is coordinated with the design exercise so that it is possible to complete the design exercise in the same semester as the lecture. It is recommended to complete the design exercise either parallel to the lecture in the same semester (WS) or one semester later in the summer semester.

Planned organisation (hybrid format):

The lectures will take place on site. In addition, recordings (from previous semesters) will be made available. Design and calculation can largely be carried out on own equipment (PC) or the equipment in the CAD rooms and at the institute can be used. For work with own devices, appropriate calculation and CAD software must be installed, whereby free licences are available. Organisation, information exchange and submissions are done via the eLearning system (TUWEL).



Course dates

Mon09:00 - 12:0003.03.2025 - 30.06.2025CAD-Labor Saal 3 Design exercise
Pressure Vessel Technology - Design Work - Single appointments
Mon03.03.202509:00 - 12:00CAD-Labor Saal 3 Design exercise
Mon10.03.202509:00 - 12:00CAD-Labor Saal 3 Design exercise
Mon17.03.202509:00 - 12:00CAD-Labor Saal 3 Design exercise
Mon24.03.202509:00 - 12:00CAD-Labor Saal 3 Design exercise
Mon31.03.202509:00 - 12:00CAD-Labor Saal 3 Design exercise
Mon07.04.202509:00 - 12:00CAD-Labor Saal 3 Design exercise
Mon28.04.202509:00 - 12:00CAD-Labor Saal 3 Design exercise
Mon05.05.202509:00 - 12:00CAD-Labor Saal 3 Design exercise
Mon12.05.202509:00 - 12:00CAD-Labor Saal 3 Design exercise
Mon19.05.202509:00 - 12:00CAD-Labor Saal 3 Design exercise
Mon26.05.202509:00 - 12:00CAD-Labor Saal 3 Design exercise
Mon02.06.202509:00 - 12:00CAD-Labor Saal 3 Design exercise
Mon16.06.202509:00 - 12:00CAD-Labor Saal 3 Design exercise
Mon23.06.202509:00 - 12:00CAD-Labor Saal 3 Design exercise
Mon30.06.202509:00 - 12:00CAD-Labor Saal 3 Design exercise

Examination modalities

The partial assessments to be completed are the specification, the list of calculations, the strength calculation and the design.

The specification and the list of calculations are discussed with the lecturers on the scheduled dates (one and two weeks after the assignment is given) and accepted or rejected. During the discussion, individual open questions can be clarified and additions can be made. Specifications or lists of calculations are rejected if they cannot be adapted by "minor additions". Reasons for rejection may be, for example, incorrect reproduction of the task set, unusable sketches or missing or completely incorrectly completed parts. A submission that is up to one week late will be tolerated and, if rejected, a corrected version can be provided at the next meeting.

The target deadlines for submitting the strength calculation and the design are in the middle and at the end of the semester. Points will be deducted for extensions or late submissions (see TUWEL course for exact dates and point deductions). Submissions are possible until the following dates: strength calculations until the end of the semester and constructions until the end of the late enrolment period for the following semester. Further extensions of the submission deadline are only possible in exceptional cases before the relevant deadline by the course instructor and can only be permitted once (for a design task).

Both the strength calculation and the design are assessed with a maximum of 80 points each. The respective part (strength calculation or design) is successfully completed if 50% of the points have been achieved. A feedback meeting is scheduled after the respective part has been corrected. If the strength calculation or the design is negative and it is possible to achieve a correction with reasonable effort, the lecturer can set a reasonable deadline for a correction.

An accepted specification, an accepted list of calculations, a positively assessed strength calculation and a positively assessed design are required for a positive assessment of the course. The points from strength calculation and design are added together for the grade.

Attendance at the weekly meetings is strongly recommended, whereby attendance is required to the extent that the specification, the list of calculations and then at least every 3rd meeting the progress in strength calculation and design can be discussed with the lecturers. Alternatively, online appointments can also be made for the meetings.

If no submission is made by the specified deadlines and no special arrangement is agreed, the course will be assessed negatively and no more submissions will be possible for the design task set.

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
30.01.2025 14:00 26.02.2025 08:00 26.02.2025 08:00

Registration modalities

Wegen Planung bitte möglichst bald anmelden.


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 445 Mechanical Engineering Mandatory electiveSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase
066 473 Chemical and Process Engineering for Sustainable Production Mandatory elective2. Semester
066 482 Mechanical Engineering - Management Mandatory electiveSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase


No lecture notes are available.

Preceding courses

Continuative courses


  • Attendance Required!

