253.J29 Building Construction
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2023S, UE, 3.0h, 4.0EC


  • Semester hours: 3.0
  • Credits: 4.0
  • Type: UE Exercise
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to apply the acquired basic knowledge on the structure of architectural projects, the methods of scheduling and cost planning, the execution of procurement procedures and the conclusion of building contracts, as well as on the tasks of ÖBA. With this exercise, participants acquire the knowledge to prepare and supervise the contractual and organisational requirements for the construction process in such a way that a finished plan can be turned into a planned and defect-free building.

Subject of course

1) Fees and accounting;

2) Determination of costs for a planned building,

3) scheduling;

4) tender documents for the services necessary for the construction,

5) Award of services including possible procedures,

6) Aspects of Local Construction Supervision and Construction Management.

Guest lectures
More detailed information can be found at the description in german.

Teaching methods

-    Exercise units
-    Application of the knowledge gained in the lecture
-    Preparation of examples of tasks
-    Calculate Exercise Examples
-    Discussion of case studies

Mode of examination


Additional information

Office hours
Fr., 12:00 - 13:00 h; Karlsplatz 13, stairs 4, 3rd floor, FOB Building and Design, Meeting room (AC0338).
The speaking hours of the lecturers for the respective courses can be found on the business card at the TISS.

When writing the elaborations, please observe the guidelines for Directive concerning the handling of plagiarism in academic papers at Technische Universität Wien.
In the event of changed framework conditions, changes in the format may occur (e. g. switching to pure distance learning).



Course dates

Fri13:00 - 16:0010.03.2023 - 30.06.2023Seminarraum 127 253.J29 - 2023S - Units
Fri13:00 - 16:0012.05.2023 Online via Webmeeting253.J29 - 2023S - Unit 07
Building Construction - Single appointments
Fri10.03.202313:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 127 253.J29 - 2023S - Unit 01
Fri17.03.202313:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 127 253.J29 - 2023S - Unit 02
Fri24.03.202313:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 127 253.J29 - 2023S - Unit 03
Fri31.03.202313:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 127 253.J29 - 2023S - Unit 04
Fri21.04.202313:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 127 253.J29 - 2023S - Unit 05
Fri28.04.202313:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 127 253.J29 - 2023S - Unit 06
Fri05.05.202313:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 127 253.J29 - 2023S - Unit
Fri12.05.202313:00 - 16:00 Online via Webmeeting253.J29 - 2023S - Unit 07
Fri26.05.202313:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 127 253.J29 - 2023S - Unit 08
Fri02.06.202313:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 127 253.J29 - 2023S - Unit 09
Fri16.06.202313:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 127 253.J29 - 2023S - Unit 10
Fri23.06.202313:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 127 253.J29 - 2023S - Unit 11
Fri30.06.202313:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 127 253.J29 - 2023S - Presentation and final delivery

Examination modalities

-    Preparation of examples of tasks
-    Oral examination
-    Duration of examination: 60 minutens
-    No aids (documents, electronic devices, calculators, mobile phones, headphones, etc. ) may be used during the examination.

Deregistration from examinations according to Studienrechtlichen Bestimmungen 2022
§ 18. (1) Die Studierenden sind berechtigt, sich bis spätestens zwei Arbeitstage vor dem Prüfungstag schriftlich (zB. E-Mail) oder elektronisch bei der Prüfer_in von der Prüfung abzumelden, bei kommissionellen (Abschluss)Prüfungen beim_bei der Studiendekan_in.
(2) Erscheinen Studierende nicht zu einer Prüfung, ohne sich gemäß Abs. 1 abgemeldet zu haben, so ist der_die Studiendekan_in auf Vorschlag der Prüferin_des Prüfers berechtigt, diese Studierenden für den folgenden Prüfungstermin von der Anmeldung zu dieser Prüfung auszuschließen. Die betroffenen Studierenden sind von der Sperre auf geeignete Weise zu informieren.
(3) Kann der_die Studierende nachweisen, dass er_sie durch einen wichtigen Grund (zB. Unfall) oder einen anderen besonders berücksichtigungswürdigen Grund an einer rechtzeitigen Abmeldung gemäß Abs. 1 gehindert gewesen ist, ist die Sperre aufzuheben.

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
01.03.2023 08:00 24.03.2023 23:55 24.03.2023 23:55


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 243 Architecture Not specified


More detailed information can be found at the description in german.

Previous knowledge

Courses of the 1st to 5th semester Bachelor programme Architecture (033 243).

Preceding courses

Accompanying courses

Continuative courses


  • Attendance Required!

