
Category: Stellenausschreibungen

Part of 4/2020

Fakultät für Mathematik und Geoinformation

The Research Unit Mathematical Stochastics (MSTOCH) of the Institute of Statistics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, TU Wien, invites applications for a pre-doctoral assistant (PhD student) in Probability. The contract is for 4 years. The position can be filled earliest on March 01, 2020.
(Wiederholung der Ausschreibung vom 12. Dezember 2019)

Responsibilities: The successful candidate is expected to conduct research in the fields of Probability theory and Mathematical Statistical Physics. More specifically, the PhD project will focus on one of the following topics: stochastic dynamics of spin systems, random interface growth phenomena, universality of critical phenomena in 2-dimensional statistical physics, dimer models.
The 4-year contract will lead to a PhD dissertation. The position carries a teaching load of about 1.5  weighted hours per semester (this corresponds to 3 hours exercise classes per week) in the Bachelor and Master’s program of Statistics and Mathematics in Economics.

Qualifications: The successful candidate will hold (or will obtain before the beginning of the pre-doctoral contract) a Master Degree or equivalent in Mathematics.
A solid knowledge of probability theory and a background in statistical mechanics is required. Previous background on one of the following topics is a plus: analytic and algebraic aspects of Mathematical Physics, stochastic partial differential equations.

Other skills: Knowledge of German is desirable. In case there is no adequate knowledge of German, willingness to quickly learn German is required for teaching.

Salary Range: The monthly minimum salary is currently EUR 2.196,80 gross (14x per year, Pay Grade B1). The contract is for 30 hrs/week.

Application Information: The application should include the following documents:
• Statement of Interest (Motivationsschreiben),
• Curriculum Vitae,
• A copy of education degrees: e.g. bachelor degree, master degree, etc. (with translation if not in English or German)
• Course transcripts, GPA (grade point average)
• Reference letter(s) or contact information for references

Application Deadline: February 20, 2020

For further information about the position, please contact Prof. Dr. Fabio Toninelli, , future head of the MSTOCH research unit starting in March 2020.

Please send your application documents as a single PDF file via e-mail to including a brief cover letter in the main body of the email and subject: Application for MSTOCH predoc.

TU Wien is an equal opportunity employer and places particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for women. Qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to female candidates when equally qualified. Persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. For further information please contact Mr. Gerhard Neustätter, .