Forschungsgebiete: 1) Angewandte Grenzflächenphysik 2) Akustik 3) Atomare Stoßprozesse an Festkörperoberflächen 4) Atomare Stoßprozesse in Plasmen (inbes. Kernfusion) 5) Biophysik 6) Computational Materials Science 7) Laserphysik und medizinische Anwendungen 8) Oberflächenphysik 9) Oberflächen- und Plasmatechnik 10) Physikalische Meßtechnik 11) Plasmaphysik 12) Sensorik und Ultraschalltechnik Lehrtätigkeiten: Grundausbildung der Physik-Studierenden (Grundlagenvorlesung in Physik mit Rechenübungen und Laborübungen) Grundausbildung in EDV und Elektronik Speziallehrveranstaltungen im Rahmen der Forschungsgebiete, s.o.
Our institute excels at fundamental as well as applied research, often performed in close collaboration with partners in industry. Our scientific results are published in highly prestigious journals (Science, Nature, Physical Review Letters, PNAS, …). Research at the forefront of physics also provides excellent opportunities for students to get hands-on experience on state-of-the-art methods and techniques.
Scientific work is carried out within 5 Research Divisions (“Forschungsbereiche”)
research activities: 1) acoustics and ultrasonics 2) applied interface physics 3) atomic collisions 4) computational materials science 5) biophysics 6) laser physics and medical applications 7) measurement technology 8) particle-solid interaction 9) plasma physics (including thermonuclear fusion) 10) surface and plasma technology 11) sensors and ultrasonics 12) surface physics educational activities: introductory courses in physics (with exercises and laboratory work) for students of physics basic education in EDV and electronics special lectures and practical courses within the research activities of the institute