Projekte Forschungsbereich Fernerkundung

Laufende Projekte

A FAIR Data Infrastructure for Earth System Sciences01.01.202131.12.2025E120-01
An interdisciplinary Digital Twin Engine for science01.09.202231.08.2025E120-01
Central European Alliance for Increasing Climate Change Resilience to Combined Consequences of Drought, Heatwave, and Fire Weather through Regionally-Tuned Forecasting01.03.202328.02.2026E120-01
Copernicus - eoSC AnaLytics Engine01.01.202130.09.2023E120-01
Enhancing Drought Early Warning in Mozambique through Satellite Soil Moisture Data to support food security in the context of climate change01.12.202230.11.2025E120-01
EO AFRICA Research and Development (R&D) Facility01.03.202129.02.2024E120-01
EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management - Fourth Continuous Development and Operations Phase (CDOP4)01.03.202228.02.2027E120-01
Fiducial Data Record for Land Dynamic01.06.202431.05.2027E120-01
Global Flood Monitoring - Provision of an Automated, Global, Satellite-based Flood Monitoring Product for the Copernicus Emergency Management Service01.10.202030.09.2026E120-01
Information access service for Austrian Copernicus and contributing missions data01.09.202228.02.2025E120-01
Keep it traceable - Prototyping a satellite enabled, independent tool-kit system for GHG verification in Austria15.09.202228.02.2025E120-01
Lot 2 - CGLOPS2: Bio-geophysical variable products, thematic domain ‘Hydrosphere and Cryosphere’ within the Global Land component01.01.202431.12.2026E120-01
MED+ Hydrology RI Science02.11.202101.10.2023E120-01
Operation of the bio-geophysical variables systematic monitoring of the Global Land Component of the Copernicus Land Service "CGLOPS" - LOT112.08.202311.08.2025E120-01
Operation of the bio-geophysical variables systematic monitoring of the Global Land Component of the Copernicus Land Service - Lot 201.05.202130.04.2023E120-01
Preparing for Scaling Up Flood Monitoring Capabilities with ROSE-L and Sentinel-1 NG01.09.202328.02.2026E120-01
Remote Sensing and Social Interest for Humanitarian Insights01.07.202230.09.2024E120-01
Satellite-based modelling of grassland yield and quality dynamics01.01.202131.12.2023E120-01
Scout-2 Mission Implementation HydroGNSS01.07.202230.09.2023E120-01
Sentinel-1 for High Resolution monitoring of vegetation Dynamics01.12.201830.11.2021E120-01

Abgeschlossene Projekte