Signal and Information Processing in Science and Engineering II: Theory and Implementation of Distributed Algorithms

01.06.2011 - 29.05.2015
Phase II (2011-1014) of the NFN SISE project part will focus on theory and implementation of distributed algorithms. To achieve this goal the project is divided into three research areas (RA): RA1: Theoretical Assessment of Distributed Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) RA2: Advances in Distributed Adaptive Algorithms RA3: Implementation Aspects and Experimental Assessment of Distributed Algorithms in WSNs In RA1 we will address the theoretical understanding of distributed algorithms running on WSNs. In particular we like to solve open questions on robustness, learning speed, tracking behavior, quantization and synchronism. The work package is in tight collaboration with RA3 which reflects experimental findings but also shares with RA2 the similarity of mathematical methods and the expertise on robustness methods. In RA2 we will address the distribution of adaptive, learning algorithms like LMS/gradient type algorithms under the assumption of distributed platforms. Such situations may arise in WSNs but equally on systems on chips where a high robustness of distributed algorithms is desired. In particular we are interested if and how desirable properties like l2 stability can be preserved when distributing the algorithms and how distribution impacts properties like learning speed, steady state precision and tracking capabilities. In RA3 we will address implementation aspects of WSNs. Based on an experimental sensor node platform we will implement various distributed algorithms and compare their behavior to their derived predicted values. Typically, unrealistic assumptions become very visible in experiments and in turn motivate novel solutions, improving common models in theoretical developments. More specifically, required synchronism, anti-collision protocols and energy consumption shall be studied in a realistic setting. A second aspect of this research area is the support of other distributed algorithms within SISE Phase II as we like to gain as much experimental expertise as possible from most project parts by implementing developed distributed algorithms onto our WSN nodes and assess them experimentally. Since this can be very tedious and time-consuming work, we propose to have an additional technician to support these activities. By such experimental approach we directly support the joint challenges defined in the so-called research focus topics.






  • FWF - Österr. Wissenschaftsfonds (National)


  • Information and Communication Technology


verteilte algorithmendistributed algorithms
sensornetzesensor networks