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Automated proof based System and Software Engineering for Real-Time Applications
01.09.2004 - 31.12.2008
ASSERT (Automated proof based System and Software Engineering for Real-Time ) is an integrated project (IP) co-sponsored by the European Commission under the Information Society Technology (IST) priority within the 6th Framework Programme (FP6). The project addresses the strategic objective of "Embedded Systems". ASSERT brings together a strong industry led consortium of the leading actors in the European Space industry, SMEs and research organisations with the determination, skills and critical mass to create cross-industry consensus and to drive standardisation. The ASSERT main goal is to improve the system-and-software development process for critical embedded real-time systems, in the Aerospace and Transportation domains by: * Identifying and developing proven critical system families¿ architecture, using a proof based development process supported by formal notations, component models, and innovative processes and tools. * Developing associated building blocks that can be composed, tailored and verified in open frameworks that shall be reused and shared by European teams across multi domain projects. Challenges addressed by ASSERT are: * To improve System Engineering practice in the European industry, where System and software design are mostly based on empirical approaches * To introduce as much as possible of the new technologies in the system design life cycle, in particular proof-based engineering, modelling, automatic generation of code, and software frameworks. * To enable true reuse practice in Critical Real Time Embedded Systems projects which most often are restarting from scratch and with no anticipation on future needs, Solutions that ASSERT will develop are: * Anticipation of future needs by identifying standardised building blocks and producing reference architecture for system families. * Definition of a new system and software co-engineering approach based on proof obligations at each development step. * New system engineering methods based on proof-based engineering, instantiation and tailoring of the target system from a detailed set of executable models based on AADL (Avionic Architecture Description Language) ASSERT Expected expected results are : * A new System and Software Engineering Process, formalised, documented and integrated in the aerospace standards and possibly in other international standards. * A set of tools implementing the System Engineering process, able to capture the system model and to automate the requirement capture, modelling, verification and code generation covering the whole system life-cycle from early requirements to final implementation in code. * The ASSERT System families able to instantiate Critical Real Time Embedded Systems from -proven and characterised properties. One family targeting high reliable systems will be fully developed and characterised down to hardware implementation. Another family oriented towards fault tolerant systems will be developed to the AADL models.. * A set of standardised and customisable building blocks for transportation applications that will be available in open-source and stored in open repositories managed by space and aeronautic authorities.
Ulrich Schmid
Martin Biely
Heinrich Moser
Edeltraud Sommer
Josef Widder
E182 - Institut für Technische Informatik
European Commission (EU)
6.RP: IST - Technologien der Informationsgesellschaft
6.Rahmenprogramm für Forschung
Europäische Kommission - Rahmenprogamme
Europäische Kommission
Ausschreibungskennung FP6-2003-IST-2
Antragsnummer 004033
Computer Engineering: 100%
Eingebettete Systeme
Embedded Systems
Fehlertolerante Echtzeitsysteme
Fault-tolerant real-time systems
Sicherheitskritische Systeme
Safety-critical systems
Proof-based Systems Engineering
Proof-based systems engineering
Aerospace applications
Externe Partner_innen
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique