A collaborative project aimed at pre-validation of a GMES Global Water Scarity Information Service

01.01.2011 - 31.03.2013
The main objective of the proposed project GLOWASIS is to pre-validate a GMES Global Service for Water Scarcity Information. In European and global pilots on the scale of river catchments, it will combine in-situ and satellite derived water cycle information and more government ruled statistical water demand data in order to create an information portal on water scarcity. This portal will be made interoperable with the WISE-RTD portal. More awareness for the complexity of the water scarcity problem will be created and additional capabilities of satellite-measured water cycle parameters can be promoted, but also directly matched to user requirements. By creating the user-scientist community, GLOWASIS will guide earth observation scientists to efficient innovation for the specific purpose of water scarcity assessment and forecasting. By linking water demand and supply in three pilot studies with existing systems (EDO and PCR-GLOBWB) for medium- and long-term forecasting in Europe, Africa and worldwide, GLOWASIS’ information will contribute both in near-real time reporting for emerging drought events as well as in provision of climate change time series. By combining complex water cycle variables, governmental issues and economic relations with respect to water demand, GLOWASIS will aim for the needed streamlining of the wide variety of important water scarcity information. Infrastructure is set up for dissemination and inclusion of current and future innovative and integrated multi-purpose products for research & operational applications. The service will use data from GMES Core Services LMCS Geoland2 and Marine Core Service MyOcean (e.g. land use, soil moisture, soil sealing, sea level), in-situ data from GEWEX’ initiatives (i.e. International Soil Moisture network), agricultural and industrial water use and demand (statistical – AQUASTAT, SEEAW and modelled) and additional water-cycle information from existing global satellite services






  • European Commission (EU) RP7 I.9 ZUSAMMENARBEIT Weltraum 7.Rahmenprogramm für Forschung Europäische Kommission - Rahmenprogamme Europäische Kommission Ausschreibungskennung FP7-SPACE-2010-1 Antragsnummer 262255


  • Energy and Environment

Externe Partner_innen

  • Universiteit Utrecht
  • Joint Research Centre
  • Netherlands Geomatics & Earth Observation B.V. (
  • University of Kwazulu Natal
  • Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
  • Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche
  • Institute of Meteorology and Water Management
  • Nederlandse Organisatie Voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek
  • Deltares
  • ZZZU_European Centre for Medium-Ran Weather Forecasts
