CompreHensive Elaboration of STrategic plaNs for sustainable Urban Transport

08.12.2016 - 31.05.2019
CHESTNUT will contribute to developing a better-connected & interoperable environmentally friendly transport & safe system in functional urban areas (FUA) of Danube Region, overall based on integration between more sustainable means.

Whilst TEN-T corridors and a better exploitation of Danube river as transportation way could improve transportation of people  & goods on long distance, they wouldn't solve the great internal problems affecting cities and their surroundings, in terms of first-mile and last-mile mobility, due to intense daily commuting as well as short urban trips made both by cars. The combination of these different aspects leads to congestion, noise, air pollution, emission of CO2 in atmosphere, accidents (more frequent in urban roads).

CHESTNUT will face these issues, all affecting coastal, inland and border urban areas involved in the project, by developing  a joint methodology to depict mobility scenarios, drafting Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans(SUMPs) at FUA level (to support new policy making with a special focus on PEOPLE), implementing 12  joint pilot actions involving sub-groups of project partners. The expected change that CHESTNUT intends to bring concerns both an enhancement of regional/local authorities¿ capacity in sustainable inter-modal mobility planning at super-communal level (FUA) and promotion of urban mobility models less dependent on car.

Policy-makers and officials of regional/local authorities, managers of PT, interest groups, will overall use the forecasted outputs.

CHESTNUT is clearly linked to EUSDR strategy, Pillar A¿ Connecting the Danube Region¿, Priority 1 ¿To improve mobility and multimodality¿. The strategy emphasizes that mobility goes beyond technical aspects and infrastructure: it includes organisational issues, meeting overall transport demand and seasonal/ daily traffic peaks, spatial planning, life-styles, innovations, etc.; all aspects that CHESTNUT will face in an integrated manner.






  • European Commission (EU) Europäischer Regionalentwicklungsfonds (ERDF) European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Europäische Kommission Ausschreibungskennung DTP1-1-037-3.1 Antragsnummer DTP1-1-037-3.1


  • Energy and Environment


Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans at FUA levelSustainable Urban Mobility Plans at FUA level
Improvement of quality of the air in urban areasImprovement of quality of the air in urban areas
Active mobility (cycling,walking);public transportActive mobility (cycling,walking);public transport
Less private motorized trafficLess private motorized traffic