Service-orientierte Datenintegration

01.04.2009 - 30.09.2012
In many realistic scenarios like, for instance, virtual enterprises, the current approaches to data integration are unsatisfactory. In particular, in addition to the actual data published by the data sources, the users also need "meta-information" on the data which allows them to assess the usefulness of the data and to automatically process and combine this data with data from other sources. In this project, we therefore propose to take a service-oriented approach to data integration and to introduce "data as a service". The research questions thus raised are concerned both with the "external" view of the service as well as the "internal" view: Externally, new service models and license models have to be developed and quality of service guarantees have to be complemented by quality of data guarantees. Internally, questions of network design and management like availability, reliability, access control, optimization, etc. have to be extended so as to take data aspects into account. Such a service-oriented approach retains much of the flexibility of current data integration approaches, while at the same time the users get a standardized way of accessing the data as well as the "meta-information" describing this data.






  • WWTF Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschu und Technologiefonds (National) Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds (WWTF)


  • Distributed and Parallel Systems: 30%
  • Computational Intelligence: 70%


Datenintegrationdata integration
service-orientierte Architekturservice-oriented architecture
Datenintegrationdata integration
service-orientierte Architekturservice-oriented architecture
