Semantic based Project Management

01.09.2008 - 31.01.2012
The objective of SemProM is to enhance Project Management (PM) with semantic technologies and to enable an interchange between a Semantic Desktop and a PM system. Currently, there are no solutions in the field of project management software containing semantic technologies. As such SemProM represents a clear innovation with respect to R&D as well as to commercial solutions. A semantic based project management system introduces technologies, such as ontologies, semantic annotation of content and semantic search. More precisely, SemProM will use an existing PM system and interlink it with a Semantic Desktop (as a ¿fat¿-client). The project will address the following issues: - Definitions of project management domain ontology as well as several other ontologies, such as date, time, versioning or project members are necessary. These ontologies will be combined in such a way that further ontologies (e.g., application domain specific) can be added easily. Special attention must be paid to the consistency of the different ontologies in the server application and the client. - Another aim in SemProM is to implement an interface between the client, a Semantic Desktop and the semantic PM. Therefore the client will be extended with a fat-client with the functionalities to search, to edit and to set links to PM information. Also the ontology of the Semantic Desktop system must be adapted with parts of the project management ontologies. - SemProM will be designed with the goal of flexibility and extensibility. Moreover, all interfaces of this system must adhere to open standards; SemProM will be an OpenSource solution. - To proof the concept of this project a prototype will be developed and an evaluation of SemProM will be done.






  • FFG - Österr. Forschungsförderungs- gesellschaft mbH (National) Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG)


  • Business Informatics: 100%


Projektmanagementproject management
