The wider objective of the project is to contribute to the improvement of higher education in Belarus and Russia, to better integration of their higher education institutions in the European higher education area.
The main specific objectives of the project are:
- to develop a modern master program in Applied Computing for Engineering and Science, which will respect principles of the Bologna process, and to implement it at 3 BY and 2 RU universities;
- to develop and update courses and teaching materials for the master program;
- to improve teachers¿ qualifications and skills;
- to implement modern technical infrastructure.
The master program will be focused on the following areas:
- scientific computing,
- numerical analysis and optimization,
- mathematical modelling,
- statistical modelling, and
- statistical computing.
The needs of the labour market will be surveyed and analysed, and the respective learning outcomes and competencies for the new master program will be defined. A curriculum matrix containing course modules covering the defined learning outcomes will be developed, and the structure and content of the course modules will be drafted. On the basis of the curriculum matrix, the RU and BY partner universities will design and accredit their specific curricula for the master program in applied computing. The curricula will have 120 ECTS and their unified modular structure will form a good basis for the recognition of studies and creation of joint/double degree programs.
The course modules will be developed. The teaching materials will be developed and published. Teaching will start in winter semester 2015/2016.
Staff member of BY and RU universities will be trained, several work group meetings and workshops will be organised.
Information and promotional materials/products will be produced and disseminated.
The know-how and experience as well as the developed materials will be disseminated to other universities.