High Performance Computing for High Power Ultrashort Laser-Matter Interactions

01.04.2003 - 31.03.2007
The recent development of ultra-short super-intense laser pulses has initiated several new directions of research and applications. Computer simulations are instrumental for this new area and rank among the most demanding tasks of present day high performance computing. The Photonics Institute Theory group has developed several program packages for experimental simulation and theoretical predictions. The purpose of the project is to implement cutting edge high performance computing technology into the existing computational tools, develop interfaces for net-based access by collaborators and outside users, and apply high level parallel and distributed computing techniques to the time-dependent multi-configuration Hartree-Fock (MCTDHF) program package that is being developed in a long-term international collaboration. Work is organized in three sub-projects. For code optimization existing massively parallel codes will be analyzed and bottlenecks will be replaced by improved algorithms. The codes will be prepared for Web-based access and execution in the frame of an experimental Grid (Ultrafast-Physics Grid) for usage by existing and future collaborators. Finally, a newly developed MCTDHF program package for ab initio calculations of electron dynamics will be implemented in massively parallel as well as distributed computing environments.






  • FWF - Österr. Wissenschaftsfonds (National) Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF)


  • Photonics: 50%
  • Quantum Modeling and Simulation: 50%


Computersimulationcomputer simulation
Parallel ComputingParallel Computing
Grid ComputingGrid Computing
ultrakurze Pulseultrashort pulses
