Landinformation für Landmanagement

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2025
Bildungs- und Hochschulmanagementprojekt

Sustainable management of the resource “Land” requires up-to date and detailed geoinformation for decision-makers. Well-educated land administration (LA) professionals are providing this information for the tasks of land management by using satellite images, photogrammetry, and GIS technologies.

Li4LaM aims to improve knowledge, skills and competences of LA students on collecting, interpreting, and analyzing geodata. Li4LaM develops and provides state-of-the-art teaching and learning materials for 12 existing modules of LA relevant bachelor programs offered at four Ethiopian universities. In addition, for each of the Ethiopian partner universities one module is developed meeting the specific needs of LA in their region. Learning and teaching material – barrier-free as far as possible - is prepared for online courses as well as for on-site courses. European partners also will use selected parts of the material.

Six modules will be adapted for Life-Long-Learning courses aiming to upskill local LA experts. In addition, the consortium will elaborate guidelines for establishing and running LLL-courses at Ethiopian universities.

Ethiopian universities have a severe lack of textbooks. Li4LaM will bridge this gap as teaching and learning material is provided in a digital format, enabling a broader access as in Ethiopia almost all students have a mobile device. Teaching videos, animations, recorded lectures, pdf-textbooks, etc. can be downloaded from Learning Management Systems, which are implemented by Li4LaM for all Ethiopian project partners.

Li4LaM will enhance pedagogic and didactical skills as well as the competence to develop state-of-the art teaching and learning material for all project partners in general and for the Ethiopian partners in particular. European project members benefited from the pandemic situation of the last two years, as the pandemic forced them to adopt distance-learning techniques.






  • European Commission (EU) Aktion Kapazitätsaufbau Programm ERASMUS+ (2021-2027) Europäische Kommission Ausschreibungskennung ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE


  • Außerhalb der TUW-Forschungsschwerpunkte

Externe Partner_innen

  • Universität für Bodenkultur (BOKU)
  • Debre Markos University
  • Bahir Dar University
  • Addis Abeba University
  • Woldia University
  • University of Agriculture in Krakow
  • Universität Ljubljana