Die Wende des Gebäudesektors hin zu 100 % erneuerbarer Energie unter Berücksichtigung von Inklusion und Leistbarkeit

01.04.2018 - 30.09.2020
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) focus policies to promote social, economic, and ecological sustainability. The New Urban Agenda, based on the 11th SDG, acknowledges access to housing as a basic service to be provided to all citizens (UN 2016). It underlines the importance of reducing air pollution and commits authorities in cities and municipalities to increase the share of renewable energy in line with the 7th SDG on affordable and clean energy. Considering the role of
buildings in Austria's gross energy consumption (close to 30% - Statistic Austria 2016) efficiency, sufficiency and consistency measures, including comprehensive retrofitting campaigns, energy efficient (re-)construction and a shift to renewable heating systems are indispensable. Only this
combination will allow reaching the goals of the Paris Agreement (and the 13th SDG). At the same time the reduction of inequality according to the 10th SDG includes the promotion of "appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard" (UN, 2016), which adds an additional dimension to
"transitioning buildings research" which thus has to aim for inclusive and affordable housing, too.






  • Kommunalkredit Austria AG (National) Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH (KPC)


  • Energy and Environment


Interdisziplinäre Forschungtransdisciplinary research
kritische politische Ökonomiecritical political economy