Energy and Environment | Climate Neutral, Renewable and Conventional Energy Supply Systems | Regenerative Energiesysteme (Wasserkraft, Solarenergie, Geothermie, Biomasse), Kraftwerksoptimierung (Werkstoffe, Prozesse, Komponenten, Konstruktion, Modellierung), Kernfusion, intelligente Netze (Betriebsführung, Netzintegration RES, verteilte Steuerung und Regelung, SSM, DSM), dezentrale Speichersysteme (Brennstoffzellen, Magnetlager, Pumpspeicher, thermische und chemische Speicher), Energiewirtschaft (Auswirkungen Klimawandel, Umweltökonomie, Geschäftsmodelle, Zukunftsszenarien, politische Strategien) | 10 |
Information and Communication Technology | Sensor Systems | Micro/nanosystems, Smart miniaturised systems, Sensor and Actuator systems, Micro and nanocomponents, Design of Semiconductor Components and Electronic-based Miniaturised Systems, Embedded systems design, Engineering of Networked Monitoring and Control Systems | 80 |
Materials and Matter | Special and Engineering Materials | Filter media, membranes and phase separation, biorefinery and bio-engineering, construction materials, rapid prototyping, structural leightweigth materials, Superconductors, electric and magnetic materials, Semi-conductors, high-k materials, photonic materials | 10 |