Energy and Environment | Climate Neutral, Renewable and Conventional Energy Supply Systems | Regenerative Energiesysteme (Wasserkraft, Solarenergie, Geothermie, Biomasse), Kraftwerksoptimierung (Werkstoffe, Prozesse, Komponenten, Konstruktion, Modellierung), Kernfusion, intelligente Netze (Betriebsführung, Netzintegration RES, verteilte Steuerung und Regelung, SSM, DSM), dezentrale Speichersysteme (Brennstoffzellen, Magnetlager, Pumpspeicher, thermische und chemische Speicher), Energiewirtschaft (Auswirkungen Klimawandel, Umweltökonomie, Geschäftsmodelle, Zukunftsszenarien, politische Strategien) | 40 |
Materials and Matter | Structure-Property Relationsship | Microstructure-property relationship in bulk materials, structure-property relation in construction materials, damage and failure of structural materials, micro- and nano-structuring, devices | 30 |
Materials and Matter | Materials Characterization | Analytical methods (trace analysis, nuclear techniques, non-destructive testing), Scattering techniques, Tomography in 2D and 3D, New methods and instruments for analysis, Characterization at atomic resolution | 30 |