Computational Science and Engineering | Modeling and Simulation | Particle Physics, Process Simulation, Multiscale Modelling, Mixed Signal Simulation, Computational Economics, Computational Health Care, Biomedical Engineering, Actuarial Modelling | 40 |
Energy and Environment | Sustainable and Low Emission Mobility | Alternative Antriebssysteme (Elektro- und Hybrid), Fahrzeugoptimierung, Komponenten (elektrische Antriebe, Leistungselektronik, Regelungstechnik), Energieversorgung und Infrastruktur (alternative Kraftstoffe, Energiespeicher/Ladestationen, Navigation, IKT), Verkehrskonzepte und Mobilitätsmanagement (Logistik, Verkehrssysteme, Navigation, Nutzerverhalten, politische Rahmenbedingungen, Analysen und Szenerien) | 40 |
Information and Communication Technology | Sensor Systems | Micro/nanosystems, Smart miniaturised systems, Sensor and Actuator systems, Micro and nanocomponents, Design of Semiconductor Components and Electronic-based Miniaturised Systems, Embedded systems design, Engineering of Networked Monitoring and Control Systems | 20 |