Materials and Matter | Surfaces and Interfaces | Surface characterization, Thin and ultra-thin films, Surface modification by ions and radiation, Functional layers (tribology, corrosion, etc.), Surface reactions (catalytic, corrosion etc.) | 15 |
Energy and Environment | Environmental Monitoring and Climate Adaptation | Naturgefahrenmanagement (Hochwasser, Wasserwirtschaft, Gewässerschutz, Wasserbau, Massenbewegungen), Schadstoffmessungen/Qualitätsanalysen (Wassergüte, Aerosole, organische Elemente, Schwermetalle, Strahlenschutz, etc.), Umweltanalyse und Modellierung (geologische, hydrologische, atmosphärische, biologische Prozesse), Entwicklung intelligenter Meßsysteme, mathematische/geometrische Datengrundlagen (v.a. Satellitenverfahren), Umweltrecht, Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfungen | 15 |
Computational Science and Engineering | Modeling and Simulation | Particle Physics, Process Simulation, Multiscale Modelling, Mixed Signal Simulation, Computational Economics, Computational Health Care, Biomedical Engineering, Actuarial Modelling | 5 |
Materials and Matter | Materials Characterization | Analytical methods (trace analysis, nuclear techniques, non-destructive testing), Scattering techniques, Tomography in 2D and 3D, New methods and instruments for analysis, Characterization at atomic resolution | 15 |
Information and Communication Technology | Sensor Systems | Micro/nanosystems, Smart miniaturised systems, Sensor and Actuator systems, Micro and nanocomponents, Design of Semiconductor Components and Electronic-based Miniaturised Systems, Embedded systems design, Engineering of Networked Monitoring and Control Systems | 15 |
Information and Communication Technology | Media Informatics and Visual Computing | Computergraphik, Computer Vision, Visualisierung/Interaktive Visuelle Analyse, Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality, Content Based Retrieval, Human-Computer-Interaction, Socially Embedded Technologies, Cultural Heritage und Edutainment, Multimedia Networks | 15 |
Computational Science and Engineering | Mathematical and Algorithmic Foundations | Computational PDEs, Computational Statistics, Optimization, Systems Theory and Control, Computer Algebra, Computational Geometry, Time-dependent Problems in CSE, Computational Finance, Asymptotic and Hybrid Methods | 10 |
Materials and Matter | Structure-Property Relationsship | Microstructure-property relationship in bulk materials, structure-property relation in construction materials, damage and failure of structural materials, micro- and nano-structuring, devices | 10 |