Riccardo M. Villa joined the Department for Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics asassistant researcher in September 2017. He holds a Master's degree inArchitecture from the Polytechnic University of Milan, where he graduated withhonours with a dissertation about the contemporary mutations of thearchitectural profession. He is currently pursuing a PhD at the department, andhis recent interests revolve around architecture in its production, under aspectrum of investigation that spans from aesthetics and semiotics tobiopolitics.
His professional background includescollaborations with several practices around Europe, from small ateliers tolarge architectural companies. Since 2009 he is a member and part of theeditorial board of GIZMO, a Milan-based architectural research collective,and a platform for publications, events and exhibitions. He contributed tomagazines and to other publications dealing with architectural history andcriticism. His latest work, Backstage: l’architettura come lavoro concreto (Hoepli,2016) deals with the state of the practice and the conditions of labour incontemporary architecture.