Energy and Environment | Sustainable Production and Technologies | Ressourceneffiziente Produktion und Prozessoptimierung (Produktions- und Prozessmanagement, Modllierung/Simulation/Optimierung, Steuerung/Regelung/Automation), alternative nachhaltige Methoden (Carbon Capture, Wasserstofferzeugung, etc.), Grüne Chemie (Biotreibstoffe, Werkstoffe, Omics), neuartige Technologien (Sensorik, Filter, Laser, Ultraschall, Mikro- und Nano, etc.), Materialforschung (Thermoelektrika, Leichtbau, Brennstoffzellen, Hochtemperatursupraleiter, Nano-Materialien, etc.) | 40 |
Materials and Matter | Special and Engineering Materials | Filter media, membranes and phase separation, biorefinery and bio-engineering, construction materials, rapid prototyping, structural leightweigth materials, Superconductors, electric and magnetic materials, Semi-conductors, high-k materials, photonic materials | 30 |
Additional Fields of Research | Mathematical Methods in Economics | Mathematical Economics, Financial Mathematics, Actuarial Mathematics, Dependence Modelling, Optimization in Risk and Ruin Theory, Credit Risk Models, Interest Rate Modelling, Transaction Costs, Risk Measures and Risk Capital Allocation, Levy Processes, Large Deviations, Extreme Value Theory, Asymptotic Methods, Econometrics, Time Series Analysis, Dynamic Macroeconomics, Population Economics, Agent Based Computational Modeling, Operations Research, Optimization, Control Systems, Dynamic Games | 30 |