Accounts of Analytical Chemistry Research | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 06/2018
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American Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 09/2017
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American Research Journal of Material Science | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 09/2017
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Angewandte Chemie | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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Biochimica and Biophysica Acta | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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Biological Psychiatry | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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Biosensors and Bioelectronics Open Access | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 05/2017
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Central European Journal of Chemistry | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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Chemical Physics Letters | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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Chemistry: An Indian Jornal | unklassifiziert | Ja | Editorial board | 03/2004
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Entropie | unklassifiziert | Ja | Editorial board | 01/1999
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European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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Far East Journal of Chemistry | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 03/2018
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Free Radical Biology and Medicine | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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General Chemistry | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 09/2018
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Inorganic Chemistry | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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Inorganica Chimica Acta | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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Inorganics | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editor | 06/2017
| Editor in Chief, Section Coordination Chemistry |
International Journal of Applied Chemistry (IJAC) | unklassifiziert | Ja | Editorial board | 01/2000
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International Journal of Chemical Kinetics | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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International Journal of Chemistry | unklassifiziert | Ja | Editorial board | 03/2017
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International Journal of Molecular Sciences | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 01/2000
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International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry | unklassifiziert | Ja | Editor | 01/2013
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Journal Modern Chemical Sciences | unklassifiziert | Ja | Editor | 04/2017
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Journal of Advanced Thermal Science Research | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 10/2017
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Journal of Biochemistry and Chemical Sciences | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 05/2017
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Journal of Coordination Chemistry | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2005
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Journal of Mineral, Metal and Material Engineering | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 03/2018
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Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A - Chemistry | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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Journal of Transition Metal Complexes | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 03/2018
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Journal of the American Chemical Society | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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Material Science Research India | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 06/2018
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Materials | SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) | Ja | Editorial board | 12/2011
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Monatshefte für Chemie | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 01/2004
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Nanopolis Online Multimedia Library - Magnetic Molecules | unklassifiziert | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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Nature Materials | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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New Journal of Chemistry | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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Oriental Journal of Chemistry | unklassifiziert | Ja | Editorial board | 01/2000
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Oriental Journal of Physical Science | SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) | Ja | Editorial board | 03/2018
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Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2005
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Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 01/2000
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Pharmaceutical Sciences & Analytical Research Journal | SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) | Ja | Editorial board | 04/2018
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Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2005
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Physical Chemistry: An Indian journal | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 08/2017
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Planta | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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Polyhedron | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2005
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Research Letters in Inorganic Chemistry | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 02/2008
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Reviews in Inorganic Chemistry | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 01/2005
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Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 05/2018
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Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 05/2018
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SCI — Open Access Journal of Scientific | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editor | 08/2018
| Advisory Board |
Science | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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Spectrochimica Acta | SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Reviewer | 01/2004
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Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry
| SCI (Science Citation Index) | Ja | Editorial board | 01/2000
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