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251.155 History of Architecture - A history of building and functional types I This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2021S, VO, 1.5h, 2.0EC


  • Semester hours: 1.5
  • Credits: 2.0
  • Type: VO Lecture
  • Format: Online

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to analytically evaluate the constructive and functional qualities, but also the effect and perception of existing architectural and spatial solutions or approaches.

They acquire the necessary knowledge to critically question criteria such as quality of use, design coherence, etc. and thus acquire the fundamental knowledge of the functioning, complexity, and consequences of these aspects in the application. They then possess the ability to interpret and use phenomena under aspects of the history of building and building technology as well as function typology and urban development history in the reflection of selected thematic focal points for their own design work.

Subject of course

ATTENTION !! Due to the new curriculum for the Bachelor of Architecture coming into force, starting at October 1st, 2021 all future exams will be held via the course 251.868 VO Baugeschichte 1. Information regarding transitional provisions can be found at the website of the Faculty of Architecture and Planning.


The lecture will due to current Corona measures take place online as a block LVA, targeted dates:

  • April 13-15, 2021
  • April 19 - 22, 2021
  • April 26 to 29, 2021

every day from 17:00 to 18:30

+ two out-of-office dates / homework (relevant for exams!)

Topics Summer Semester 2021 | Preliminary Semester Schedule


Topic 1: The Sacred Space: From the Ancient Temple to Current Tendencies in Christian Sacred Architecture

  • The genesis of the ancient temple: the Minoan and Mycenaean cultures
  • Construction principles of the Greek and Roman temples of antiquity
  • The Christian basilica - development of a building type
  • Space - Light - Liturgy: Aspects of the Sacred

Theme 2: Intermediate spaces, threshold, and zoning

Theme 3: The limited space: monastery, jail, and fortress

Theme 4: Ruin and (artificial) ruin as a design phenomenon

Teaching methods

The Building History I and II lectures deal with the existing building condition and thus move thematically within the field of architecture with the greatest potential in the current building scene. With this knowledge, the topics of the lecture Building History I and II are chosen in such a way that the students can also gain a practical benefit for their further education and for their later professional life: History of building and building techniques from the early advanced civilizations to the present day, typologies of building and function and their development, aspects of urban planning history in context, analytical and critical evaluation of existing/historical architecture, etc.

Mode of examination


Additional information

Under the following links we have collected the most important information for you and would like to ask you to study them carefully before making a personal inquiry.

All important information about exam participation, exam structure, exam procedure, technical problems, unauthorized tools etc. can be found at


Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the LVA History of Architecture can be found at


Further questions regarding VO or exam please direct exclusively to




Examination modalities

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the examinations on building history in SS 2021 will be held in online format in written form via Zoom. The examination will be held according to point 3.3. lit. A Geschäftsordnung des Rektorats idgF. iVm § 1 Studienrechtliche Bestimmungen der Satzung der TU Wien idgF. iVm § 76 UG Richtlinie des Vizerektors für Studium und Lehre über die organisatorische Abwicklung von Online-Prüfungen im Rahmen der COVID-19 Pandemie (as of 11.02.2021). The stated guideline serves as a basis for the implementation of examinations and was specified within the framework of the document "Student Information on the Lectures Building History I and II" with regard to the examinations for the lecture Building History 1 and Building History 2.

The aim is to give both students and teachers clarity about the framework conditions for the examination and to regulate the handling of exames and accompanying documents. All information about exam registration, the exam procedure and especially the measures to prevent unauthorized tools can be found in the pdf linked below.

In the context of each lecture, tasks (quizzes) will be activated in TUWEL, which will serve as a attendance test (single choice). By regularly attending the VOs and completing VO tasks (10 out of 12 lecture dates), students secure a place in the additional exam following the block lecture (approx. 10 days after the last lecture) and a points advantage of 10% of the total number of points in the exam. This is a bonus system and the course can therefore be completed with 100% and the best grade even without taking the quizzes. In addition, for organizational reasons, the bonus points can only be applied to the pre-defined additional exam following the block course.

For those who would like to learn a bit about Sacred Building I, I recommend the following video about the Parthenon in Athens and the ongoing restoration (and reconstruction!) work there. Attention: the beginning is a bit lurid . . . !


Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
22.02.2021 00:00 01.07.2022 09:15 18.04.2021 08:00

Registration modalities

Registration for the lecture is absolutely necessary. The registration for the VO is also the tool to register for the exam, and only this way you have access to the current exam documents and to TUWEL.

Please be sure to adhere to the deadlines specified in TISS. Manual re-registration by the secretary's office is not possible.

Please note that the synchronization of the participant lists between TISS and TUWEL always has to be done manually and therefore takes place with a slight delay.


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 243 Architecture Not specified4. Semestertrue
Course belongs to the introductory and orientation phase ("Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase")


Students will receive the PPT slides shown in the lecture as pdf files. With the registration for the VO you get access to the accompanying documents. These documents are intended as a very detailed memory aid, but of course they do not represent the entire content of the lecture. If you are unable to attend one of the lectures, please obtain the corresponding transcript from your fellow students and obtain supplementary information from the indicated further literature.

A recording of the lectures should be available to registered students at least until the end of the semester. These can be accessed using the Safe Exam Browser via the TUWEL course associated with the LVA. Nevertheless, we would like to encourage all students to participate "live" in the lecture and to engage in as constructive discussion as possible.

Previous knowledge

Basis for the successful participation in the VO History of Architecture I and II and the passing of the exams is the positive completion of the following courses:

257.072 History of Art (Robert Stalla)

257.082 History of Architecture and Art of the 19th and 20th century (Robert Stalla)

Preceding courses


