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251.095 Building Survey I
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2019W, UE, 3.0h, 4.0EC


  • Semester hours: 3.0
  • Credits: 4.0
  • Type: UE Exercise

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to plan and implement a building survey independently . Furthermore, they should have knowledge in the documentation of historical buildings / constructions, their analysis in terms of construction history and the relevant presentation of the results.

Subject of course

In introductory lectures, the various measurement methods from manual measurement to the application of high-tech equipment are presented. A number of exercises one based on each other are coupled with the lectures and deal with different problems of building survey from preparatory planning to implementation.

In the winter term 2019, the course deals with the wooden dome structure of the Karlskirche. The Karlskirche was built from 1716 to 1737 according to the design by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach. After his death in 1723, his son Joseph Emanuel Fischer von Erlach took over the completion of the building and partially changed the plans. The roof structure of the outer dome is almost completely preserved from the construction period and has many features of baroque carpentry.

During the exercises the students deal in groups with the historical dome construction in detail. The introductory lectures and exercises prepare for the survey week on site. On the basis of the detailed measurement, the architectural documentation (plans, so called book of rafters, details of the junctions, etc.) as well as the analysis of the structure are carried out over the semester. The results are compiled in a construction record.


Teaching methods

The following methods are used:

- Documentation by hand measurement and measurement with the total station, supplemented by photo documentation and detailed drawings

- Production of architectural plans out ot the building survey data

- Catalog-like compilation of the information in the so called book of rafters

- Compilation of all results in a portfolio

Mode of examination


Additional information

+++ TERMINE +++ (Änderungen vorbehalten)

Für alle Termine gilt Anwesenheitspflicht! Exercises and discussions take place in the seminar room 251-1 (Karlsplatz 13, staircase 3, 3rd floor).

08.10.2019, 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr

15.10.2019, 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr

22.10.2019, 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr

Bauaufnahmewoche 11.-15.11.2019, ganztags 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr

zweiwöchentlich Korrekturtermine

21.01.2020, 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr, Präsentation der Ergebnisse

31.01.2020 Abgabe der Bauaufnahmemappen


>> Es wird empfohlen diese Übung nicht vor dem 3. Semester zu absolvieren.

Im Rahmen dieser Übung wird das selbständige Arbeiten und Erarbeiten von Wissen und Information vermittelt, somit werden Seminararbeiten, die Wikipedia (oder ähnliche Internetseiten) zitieren negativ beurteilt!

Die Lehrveranstaltung ist relevant für

Studienintegrierte Qualifikation [SIQ!] Bauforschung.Denkmalpflege.Baupraxis im Bestand




Examination modalities

Portfolio with surveying plans, so called book of rafters and analysis in terms of construction history

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
05.09.2019 00:00 07.10.2019 23:59 07.10.2019 23:59


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 243 Architecture Not specified


Cramer, Johannes: Handbuch der Bauaufnahme. Aufmaß und Befund, 2.Aufl., Stuttgart 1993

Wangerin, Gerda: Bauaufnahme. Grundlagen, Methoden, Darstellung, Wiesbaden 1992

Klein, Ulrich: Bauaufnahme und Dokumentation, Stuttgart München 2001

Wiedemann, Albert: Handbuch Bauwerksvermessung, Basel 2004

Previous knowledge

It is recommended to attend the Bauaufnahme I not before the 3rd semester.

Accompanying courses


  • Attendance Required!

