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232.518 Railway engineering
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2024W, UE, 1.5h, 1.5EC, to be held in blocked form


  • Semester hours: 1.5
  • Credits: 1.5
  • Type: UE Exercise
  • Format: Hybrid

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to

  • create track allocation plans based on a specified operating programgleis
  • design track diagrams and understand the individual functions of a railway station
  • design a trackline and verifying the individual elements according to the standard
  • correct planning of track spacing, platforms and track functions
  • unterstanding of signaling of block sections

Subject of course

Practicle use of the basics from lecture; - only available in german.

A railway station scheme has to be delevoped based on a given operating program

The following tasks are to be solved:

  1. Timetable draft - Part 1: Calculation of blocking periods
  2. Draft timetable - Part 2: Track layout + number of tracks
  3. Track design - Part 1: Division railway station
  4. Track design - Part 2: Track spacing and turnout dimensioning
  5. Route design - Part 1: curved points + track connection
  6. Routing design - Part 2: Transition bends, curvature bands + changes of slope

Teaching methods

Ablauf der Übung

  • Kick-Off-Veranstaltung (Erklärung der Aufgabenstellung und Angabe) - Anwesenheitspflicht
  • Gruppeneinteilung in TUWEL - 3 Personen pro Gruppe
  • Übungsvorträge (Präsenz + Livestream) 
  • Fragen im TUWEL-Forum und in den Tutorensprechstunden stellen!
  • Abgabe des Technischen Berichts und der Pläne in TUWEL bis 12.01.2023
  • Kolloquium (Präsentation des Projekts und Feedbackrunde) - Anwesenheitspflicht

Mode of examination


Additional information

Bei organisatorischen Fragen senden Sie eine E-Mail an eiba.lehre@tuwien.ac.at.



Course dates

Mon16:00 - 18:0004.11.2024Hörsaal AE U1 - 1 - CEE Kick-Off-Veranstaltung und Einführungsvortrag
Wed16:00 - 18:0006.11.2024GM 2 Radinger Hörsaal - TCH UE Eisenbahn Vortrag
Thu16:00 - 18:0007.11.2024Hörsaal AE U1 - 1 - CEE UE Eisenbahnwesen Vortrag
Fri16:00 - 18:0008.11.2024Hörsaal AE U1 - 1 - CEE UE Eisenbahnwesen Vortrag
Course is held blocked

Examination modalities

The evidence of performance is based on the assessment of:

  • submission of documents
  • presentation of the results
  • colloquium

Group dates

Block AMon08:00 - 13:0013.01.2025FAV Hörsaal 3 Zemanek (Seminarraum Zemanek) 232.518 Railway engineering Block A
Block BMon08:00 - 13:0013.01.2025Seminarraum AC 02 - 2 232.518 Railway engineering Block B
Block CTue08:00 - 13:0014.01.2025Seminarraum AD 03 - 1 232.518 Railway engineering Block C
Block DTue08:00 - 13:0014.01.2025Seminarraum AC 02 - 2 232.518 Railway engineering Block D

Course registration

Use Group Registration to register.


The student has to be enrolled for at least one of the studies listed below

Group Registration

GroupRegistration FromTo
Block A05.10.2024 08:0005.11.2024 23:59
Block B05.10.2024 08:0005.11.2024 23:59
Block C05.10.2024 08:0005.11.2024 23:59
Block D05.10.2024 08:0005.11.2024 23:59


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 265 Civil Engineering Mandatory4. SemesterSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase
610 Civil Engineering Mandatory6. Semester


  • EN 13803:2017
  • TSI 1299/2014
  • Systemtechnik des Schienenverkehr - Jörn Pachl
  • Fahrdynamik des Schienenverkehrs - Dietrich Wende
  • Bahnwesen - Joachim Fiedler
  • Bahnbau und Bahninfrastruktur - Reinhard Menius & Volker Matthews
  • Planung von Bahnanlagen - Haldor Jochim & Frank Lademann

Previous knowledge

The completion of the course railways is strongly recommended! Only available in german.

Preceding courses

Accompanying courses

Continuative courses


  • Attendance Required!

