After successful completion of the course, students are able to name the advantages of the integral planning method. In addition, students are able to describe the approach to a planning task from the building industry.
The course is linked with the 210,006 industrial construction seminar including an excursion. From April 14th to 17th, an excursion to Belgium/Brussels will take place on the topic "Industrial Construction Seminar with Excursion.Project work handed in at the end of June.
Circular construction is gaining increasing importance in the context of LVA (Life Cycle Assessment), where concepts of circular economy (reuse and flexibility) are being developed for residential construction. A case study of the Circular Twin research project serves as a potential resource bank. The goal is to develop concepts for the reuse of load-bearing structures and visualize them using a sketching app (MR-Sketch from the SFB Advanced Computational Design). Based on the existing IFC interface, data exchange with structural engineering software will be tested.
Thema Industriebau:
Joint preparation of planning task of a realistic project in the field of construction.
Thema Circular Sketch:
Input lectures, sustainability design and circular construction
Die LVA ist mit 210.006 Industriebauseminar mit Exkursion gekoppelt. Von 14.-17.04. findet eine Exkursion nach Belgien/Brüssel statt zum Thema "Industriebauseminar mit Exkursion"
Die Lehrveranstaltung wird in Kooperation mit 210 Institut für Hoch- und Industriebau (Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen, LVA Leitung) und 253 Abteilung für Gebäudelehre und Entwerfen (Fakultät für Architektur und Raumplanung) angeboten.
Informationen zum Forschungsprojekt "Circular Twin"
Informationen zum Forschungsprojekt "SFB: Advanced Computational Design"
Collaboration, presentations, project folder
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