191.114 Basics of Parallel Computing
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in allen zugeordneten Curricula Teil der STEOP.
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in mindestens einem zugeordneten Curriculum Teil der STEOP.

2019S, VU, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semesterwochenstunden: 2.0
  • ECTS: 3.0
  • Typ: VU Vorlesung mit Übung

Ziele der Lehrveranstaltung

The aim of the course is to give students a basic understanding of parallel computing and a basic knowledge of parallel architectures. This includes programming models, languages, and interfaces for parallel computing (e.g., MPI or OpenMP), parallel algorithms, performance analysis and modeling, and basic programming skills.

Inhalt der Lehrveranstaltung

Motivation and goals of parallel computing, parallel computer architectures, programming models, performance measurement and analysis, introduction to programming paradigms such as MPI (Message Passing Interface), Pthreads, and OpenMP. Other aspects and languages for programming multi-core processors.

Erste Vorlesung (inklusive Vorbesprechung): Donnerstag, 14.3.2019

Weitere Informationen

For current plan, see course Homepage.


  • Rauber, Rünger: Parallel programming. Second Edition, Springer 2013.
  • Schmidt, Gonzalez-Dominguez, Hundt, Schlarb: Parallel Programming. Concepts and Practice. Morgan Kaufmann 2018.

Additional literature will be announced. Course material (slides) should suffice for the programming projects.

ECTS Breakdown:

  • Lectures: 1,5 ECTS
  • Study: 0,5 ECTS
  • Project work (implementations, test, benchmarking): 1,5 ECTS
  • Lectures 11x2h = 22h
  • Self-study  18h
  • Written exam 8+2h = 10h
  • Home exercises 2x2h = 4h
  • Projects 21h

 Total: 75h = 3 ECTS


Vortragende Personen


LVA Termine

Do.13:00 - 15:0014.03.2019 - 13.06.2019EI 4 Reithoffer HS Basics of Parallel Computing
Basics of Parallel Computing - Einzeltermine
Do.14.03.201913:00 - 15:00EI 4 Reithoffer HS Basics of Parallel Computing
Do.21.03.201913:00 - 15:00EI 4 Reithoffer HS Basics of Parallel Computing
Do.28.03.201913:00 - 15:00EI 4 Reithoffer HS Basics of Parallel Computing
Do.04.04.201913:00 - 15:00EI 4 Reithoffer HS Basics of Parallel Computing
Do.11.04.201913:00 - 15:00EI 4 Reithoffer HS Basics of Parallel Computing
Do.02.05.201913:00 - 15:00EI 4 Reithoffer HS Basics of Parallel Computing
Do.09.05.201913:00 - 15:00EI 4 Reithoffer HS Basics of Parallel Computing
Do.16.05.201913:00 - 15:00EI 4 Reithoffer HS Basics of Parallel Computing
Do.23.05.201913:00 - 15:00EI 4 Reithoffer HS Basics of Parallel Computing
Do.06.06.201913:00 - 15:00EI 4 Reithoffer HS Basics of Parallel Computing
Do.13.06.201913:00 - 15:00EI 4 Reithoffer HS Basics of Parallel Computing


Hand-in exercises, programming project, written exam


Do.10:00 - 12:0003.10.2024HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky - ARCH beurteilt01.08.2024 00:00 - 27.09.2024 23:59in TISSExam 2 / Date 1
Fr.09:00 - 11:0008.11.2024FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith - INF beurteilt18.10.2024 00:00 - 01.11.2024 23:59in TISSExam 2 / Date 2
Fr.09:00 - 11:0013.12.2024FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith - INF beurteilt18.11.2024 00:00 - 06.12.2024 23:59in TISSExam 2 / Date 3


Von Bis Abmeldung bis
15.02.2019 08:00 21.03.2019 23:59 07.06.2019 23:59


066 645 Data Science Keine Angabe


Es wird kein Skriptum zur Lehrveranstaltung angeboten.


Knowledge of programming languages, computer architectures, operating systems. Basic Algorithms and Datastructures (asymptotic worst-case analysis). Programming skills in C, C++, Fortran or Java.

Vertiefende Lehrveranstaltungen

Weitere Informationen

