- Homework exercises (max. 20 points): Exercises are done at home and solutions are uploaded in TUWEL.
- Programming Exercises (max. 40 points): Different MIP formulations for a specified optimization problem are designed and implemented. You can (optionally) join in groups of two. Your solutions are uploaded in TUWEL.
- Written exam (max. 40 points)
The grade you receive depends on the total points collected for all tasks, but you need at least 30 points in the exercise part (including homework and programming exercises) and at least 20 points in the written exam to get a positive grade. The final grade is obtained by the following mapping:
1: 88 - 100 points
2: 75 - 87.5
3: 63 - 74.5
4: 50 - 62.5
5: 0 - 49.5