After successful completion of the course, students are able to (among others)
This course is held in German. Without sufficient command of the German language you are unlikely to benefit from attending the course.
The course introduces the principles and concepts of functionalprogramming, where it stretches from the foundations to theapplication. Using concrete problems as examples it will bedemonstrated and discussed how to use them for solving problems in thetutorials complementing the course. Own proposals to solvespecific problems shall be presented and put up fordiscussion. Practical assignments as part of the lab tutorial offerthe opportunity to independently apply and practice the functionalprogramming style, and to gain a deep practical understanding of theconcepts and principles of functional programming. For demonstrationand implementation in course and tutorials the state-of-the-artfunctional programming language Haskell is used.
Part I: Introduction
Part II: Basics
Part II: Applicative Programming
Part IV: Functional Programming
Part V: Foundations of Functional Programming
Part VI: Extensions and Advanced Concepts
Part VII: Conclusions
Selected Reading Recommendations
This course is held in German. Without sufficient command of the German language you are unlikely to benefit from attending this course.
The course is planned as in-person activity. In case of anew restrictions due to the pandemic or energy shortage, the course will be changed to an online mode.
ECTS Break Down:
The course is assigned 3.0 ECTS points. This corresponds to an averageworkload of 75 hours. This average workload is divided among thevarious learning activities of the course as follows (Part I to Part VII refer to the respective parts of the course notes):
The course starts with a preliminary course meeting and the first lecture on Thursday, 6 October 2022, 1.15pm-2.45pm, Informatik-Hörsaal.
Assessment of the programming assignments and written testson the lecture and tutorial material.
Detailed information on the assessment procedures and modalities are givenin the notes of the preliminary course meeting (cf. TUWEL course of the course).
Die Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung erfolgt über TISS. Diese istmaßgeblich für die Teilnahme an der Lehrveranstaltung und unterliegtden in den Studienplänen genannten Voraussetzungen.
Nach Abschluss der Anmeldeperiode wird für die Studierenden mitvalider Anmeldung ein persönliches Benutzerkonto auf der eingerichtet. Benutzerkennung und erstesLosungswort werden jedem Teilnehmer durch Nachricht an dieStandardadresse <e-Matr.Nr> mitgeteilt. Dieseserste Losungswort ist im Zuge des ersten Einbuchens auf dasBenutzerkonto durch ein selbstgewähltes neues Zugangswort zu ersetzen.