After successful completion of the course, students are able to
Modelling languages (e.g. General Algebraic Modelling System GAMS), optimization solvers, mathamatical optimization algoriithms, complexity, meta-heuristics, stochastic optimization.
Students achieve the learning outcomes:
It is expected that students bring computers (operating system Windows, Mac OS, Linux) into the laboratory exercises. Software (GAMS, possibly MS Excel) is provided cheaply via student software (TU Wien Studentensoftware).
First meeting at Tue Oct 4, 2022, 9 a.m. TUWEL ZOOM online.
In the winter semester 2022/20, this course will only take place online (we will definitely never meet in the seminar room). Please reserve Tue 8-12 a.m. for this course.
The students realize explanatory, illustrative and in-depth examples partly under guidance and partly independently; the preparation of the examples together with tests (online) on the basic contents of the VU forms the basis of the assessment.
Registration on TISS in order to get access for TUWEL.
Urmila Diwekar, Introduction to Applied Optimization, Second Edition, Springer ISBN 978-0-387-76635-5