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105.679 Programming with MATLAB
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2024S, VU, 2.0h, 2.0EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 2.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Online

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to:

  • design, test and debug programs in the MATLAB language
  • solve easy to moderately difficult problems in statistics and applied mathematics using MATLAB

Subject of course

MATLAB syntax (command- and partially object-oriented), graphical representations, problems in linear algebra, optimization and statistics, solution of ordinary differential equations and machine learning by functions in the various toolboxes.

Teaching methods

Learning of language and tool boxes by means of example programs, development of programs for solving problems posed in weekly assignment. It is recommended to work in groups of two.

Mode of examination


Additional information

Please register only if you are seriously committed to attend the entire course! You will need a laptop with a MATLAB installation already in the first unit, see

Please install the following toolboxes: Curve Fitting, Optimization, Global Optimization, Symbolic, Signal Processing, Statistics and Machine Learning, Deep Learning

The course is held online

Sign in with your TU email address.

There is question time online every Monday from 2pm to 3pm.

Working in groups of two is recommended, but not obligatory. There will be 40 groups in TUWEL for at most 64 participants. I expect all groups to work independently. If two or more groups deliver identical or extremely similar programs, I will reduce the number of points for all of them.



Course dates

Mon16:00 - 17:0004.03.2024Sem.R. DA grün 02 B - GEO Matlab installation
Thu15:00 - 16:3007.03.2024 - 27.06.2024 (LIVE)Programming with Matlab
Programming with MATLAB - Single appointments
Mon04.03.202416:00 - 17:00Sem.R. DA grün 02 B - GEO Matlab installation
Thu07.03.202415:00 - 16:30 Programming with Matlab
Thu14.03.202415:00 - 16:30 Programming with Matlab
Thu21.03.202415:00 - 16:30 Programming with Matlab
Thu11.04.202415:00 - 16:30 Programming with Matlab
Thu18.04.202415:00 - 16:30 Programming with Matlab
Thu25.04.202415:00 - 16:30 Programming with Matlab
Thu02.05.202415:00 - 16:30 Programming with Matlab
Thu16.05.202415:00 - 16:30 Programming with Matlab
Thu23.05.202415:00 - 16:30 Programming with Matlab
Thu06.06.202415:00 - 16:30 Programming with Matlab
Thu13.06.202415:00 - 16:30 Programming with Matlab
Thu20.06.202415:00 - 16:30 Programming with Matlab
Thu27.06.202415:00 - 16:30 Programming with Matlab

Examination modalities

Starting on March 7, I will upload one or two problems to TUWEL every Thursday. The programs that solve the problems have to be delivered until 5pm on the following Wednesday. The exact specifications how to submit the programs are listed in the assignment. Please follow them precisely to help me in the administration of the programs coming in every week. If you fail to do this, the submission will be rejected and you will lose the chance of a correction. 

Each problem comes with a number M of points. After every submission you will get feedback about the correctness or mistakes to be corrected. In the latter case you are expected to submit the corrected version within three days. If the program is correct after the 1st submission you earn M points.If the program is correct after the 2nd submission you earn 90% of the M points. A 3rd submission is possible only in very exceptional cases. The final grade is computed from the percentage of your total number of points relative to the total number of points:

51-60%: 4
61-70%: 3 
71-84%: 2 
85-100% : 1

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
19.02.2024 09:00 18.03.2024 17:00 13.03.2024 17:00

Registration modalities

Please register via TISS. Groups of tone or wo will be established in TUWEL.


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 245 Mechanical Engineering Not specifiedSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase
033 282 Mechanical Engineering - Management Not specifiedSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase
045 006 Digital Skills Mandatory electiveSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase
ALG For all Students Not specified


Otto and Denier, An Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLAB

Brian Hahn, Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists

Stormy Attaway, Matlab: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving


Previous knowledge

Basic knowledge of higher mathematics: Elementary and higher functions, linear algebra, functions of several variables, differential and integral calculus, ordinary differential equations


  • Attendance Required!


if required in English