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192.082 Introduction to Security
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in allen zugeordneten Curricula Teil der STEOP.
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in mindestens einem zugeordneten Curriculum Teil der STEOP.

2019S, UE, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semesterwochenstunden: 2.0
  • ECTS: 3.0
  • Typ: UE Übung

Ziele der Lehrveranstaltung

The lab offers practical exercises and follow-up materials to complement the topics presented during the Introduction to Security [184.783] course.

The aim is to provide hands-on experience in the sort of attacks and protections found in the real world. More specifically, students will be given access to a safe environment where to interact with realistic applications containing ad-hoc vulnerabilities. They will learn how to discover and take advantage of the identified threats from an attacker's standpoint and how to avoid common pitfalls during the development process.

Inhalt der Lehrveranstaltung

System Security

  • Buffer/stack overflow
  • Circumventing overflow mitigation techniques
  • Return-oriented programming (ROP)

Web Security

  • SQL injections
  • Blind SQL injections
  • Cross-site scripting and mitigation bypass
  • Cross-site request forgery


  • Classic ciphers
  • Security of RSA
  • Exploitation of insecure cryptographic constructions

Vortragende Personen


LVA Termine

Mi.08:30 - 10:0013.03.2019 - 15.05.2019EI 5 Hochenegg HS 192.082: Introduction to Security
Mi.14:00 - 16:0013.03.2019 FH Hörsaal 1Overview of security courses offered by 191-03, 192-05, 192-06, 194-01, 389 and SBA Research
Do.16:00 - 18:0004.04.2019 Seminarraum FAV 01 C (Seminarraum 188/2)Tutor hours
Di.10:00 - 12:0016.04.2019Seminarraum FAV 01 C (Seminarraum 188/2) Tutor hours
Di.14:00 - 16:0004.06.2019InfLab Pong Tutor hours
Mo.14:00 - 17:0017.06.2019EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Research day and CTF wrap up
Introduction to Security - Einzeltermine
Mi.13.03.201908:30 - 10:00EI 5 Hochenegg HS 192.082: Introduction to Security
Mi.13.03.201914:00 - 16:00 FH Hörsaal 1Overview of security courses offered by 191-03, 192-05, 192-06, 194-01, 389 and SBA Research
Mi.27.03.201908:30 - 10:00EI 5 Hochenegg HS 192.082: Introduction to Security
Do.04.04.201916:00 - 18:00 Seminarraum FAV 01 C (Seminarraum 188/2)Tutor hours
Mi.10.04.201908:30 - 10:00EI 5 Hochenegg HS 192.082: Introduction to Security
Di.16.04.201910:00 - 12:00Seminarraum FAV 01 C (Seminarraum 188/2) Tutor hours
Mi.15.05.201908:30 - 10:00EI 5 Hochenegg HS 192.082: Introduction to Security
Di.04.06.201914:00 - 16:00InfLab Pong Tutor hours
Mo.17.06.201914:00 - 17:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Research day and CTF wrap up


Practical projects mostly focused on implementing attacks introduced during the course.

ECTS Breakdown

  • 8h lecture
  • 67h self-study and projects development


Von Bis Abmeldung bis
15.02.2019 00:01 18.03.2019 23:59 18.03.2019 23:59


033 532 Medieninformatik und Visual Computing Gebundenes Wahlfach
033 533 Medizinische Informatik Gebundenes Wahlfach
033 534 Software & Information Engineering Gebundenes Wahlfach
033 535 Technische Informatik Gebundenes Wahlfach
880 FW Freie Wahlfächer - Informatik Freifach


Es wird kein Skriptum zur Lehrveranstaltung angeboten.

Begleitende Lehrveranstaltungen

