Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage...
- Methoden von Automated Deduction zu erklaeren und benuetzen, wie zB SAT/SMT Solving und Superposition-Reasoning.
The reasoning power that computational logic offers brings new perspectives in the field of program verification. This course is about computational logic, with particular focus on algorithmic and automated methods for proving logical properties.
The course aims at teaching attendees algorithmic techniques and fundamental results in automated deduction. Student will also use state-of-the-art theorem provers for proving logical properties.
The course focuses on specialised algorithms for reasoning in various fragments of first-order logics, such as propositional logic, combination of ground theories, and full first-order logic with equality. We will address both the theoretical and practical aspects for using and implementing (semi-)decisions procedures of various logics.
The tentative list of topics covered by the course is below:
The course will address transformation to normal forms, DPLL, SAT-solving, SMT-solving, resolution, unification, superposition, redundancy checking, and experiments with theorem provers.
The course will also include hands-on sessions using the SAT solver MINISAT, the SMT solver Z3 and the first-order theorem prover VAMPIRE.
There will be two pre-recorded lectures a week, with lecture slides accompanying the lectures.
There will be 4 homeworks, handed out online.
Exercises/homework solutions, as well as additional, course-related material will be discussed during the in-class discussions (hosted also on Zoom).
The complete course information (lectrue material, news, discussions) is only available on the TUWEL site of the course.
The course is held blocked, within 8 weeks, during March 8-May 12, 2022.
The course starts on March 8, 9am, with an introductory lecture summarizing general course information. The kick-off on March 8, 9am is held online, via the following Zoom link:
The first proper lecture is on March 10, 9:15-10:45, as a pre-recorded lecture. There will be 2 pre-recorded lectures a week.
The course grade will be based on four written homework assignments and a written exam.
Homework assignments count for 40% of the course grade.
The exam will take place as an open-book written exam. The exam will take place as a written exam in June 2022. The format and the exam slots will be decided later, in May 2022.
For slides and other material see the TUWEL course.