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264.250 Small Design Studio Seekult 2023 (Claiming*Spaces)
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2023W, UE, 2.0h, 2.5EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 2.5
  • Type: UE Exercise
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to..
... apply acquired knowledge of feminist-intersectional approaches in urban planning as well as in contemporary art in public space for the conception and implementation of a workshop in public space by means of artistic methods.
... to independently design and implement a course within a given framework..


Subject of course


The SeeKult Festival Art and Culture in Friedrichshafen, conceived by students of the Zeppelin University, focuses with "Fluid Spaces" 2023 on the question of accessibility or exclusion in urban spaces. Urban spaces cannot be used by all residents with equal rights. In addition to physical barriers, there are spaces of fear for certain groups, gentrified spaces in which compulsive consumption often prevails, spaces dominated by motorized individual sales, areas closed off to industrial production... etc.
With the Feminist Mapping Workshop as part of the festival, an intersectional-critical view of a possible or impossible use of urban space will be developed together with the residents of Friedrichshafen. Beyond Claiming*Spaces" is not only about identifying "problem spaces" or demanding accessibility, but rather about mapping spaces and equipping them with ideas of what an inclusive use of the city could look like. For which it may take very crazy ideas at first and at first glance. To show how exciting and beautiful an inclusive urban space could be for everyone. Or as the SeeKult program says: "to shape the city as a livable place that is more than just a place to work and live."

The workshop will probably take place on Saturday, 28.10.23 from 10 am - 1 pm in Friedrichshafen.
The arrival from Vienna is planned for 26.10.23 (national holiday in Ö), in order to be able to participate in a Feminist Night Scape in the evening (start approx. 20 o'clock). Departure is on Saturday after the workshop.
The accommodation is free of charge. There will be subsidies for travel to and from the event.

The Stegreifentwerfen is designed to be a primarily student-led course. It takes place in collaboration between Claiming*Spaces and the Critical Planning Students group. Dates for joint meetings will be arranged in the group.
The course starts in mid-September and ends at the end of October with the holding of the workshop (followed by documentation of the workshop).
Participants: max. 8 students

Teaching methods

Student-led course. Collaboration of Claiming*Spaces and Gruppe Kritische Planungsstudierende.

Artistic methods of mapping as well as developing interventions around a theme.

Mode of examination




Course dates

Wed14:00 - 18:0027.09.2023Seminarraum AC0440 264.250 Stegreifentwerfen SeeKult 2023
Fri12:00 - 16:0013.10.2023Projektraum HB1 - 6/253 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! 264.250 Stegreifentwerfen SeeKult 2023 / Arbeitstermin
Fri12:00 - 16:0020.10.2023Projektraum HB1 - 6/253 - Achtung! Werkraum, kein Seminarraum! 264.250 Stegreifentwerfen SeeKult 2023 / Arbeitstermin

Examination modalities

Independent conception, implementation and documentation of a workshop on feminist-intersectional approaches and perspectives in urban planning (group work).

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
18.09.2023 09:00 20.09.2023 15:00 21.09.2023 20:00

Application is currently locked manually.


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 443 Architecture Not specified


No lecture notes are available.


if required in English