Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage...
to understand, develop, and evaluate assistive technologies and human-machine-interaction in industrial settings. Furthermore, students are able to determine the goals, requirements, and boundary conditions of different technologies, e.g. context-aware work systems, machine learning, augmented reality, or mobile robots.
Successful integration of assistance systems requires theoretical and practical understanding of the state of the art concepts. Following topics will be presented and discussed in the course:
The course is structured in three phases that are graded separately:
ECTS breakdown: 3 ECTS = 75h
25h lectures, exam preparation, exam
15h individual assignments
35h group project (implementation, presentation, report)
The course will be graded as follows:
Please refer to additional information for the detailed ECTS breakdown.
Students are expected to understand basic concepts of programming (e.g. Python or another OOP language). Previous knowledge on assistance systems (e.g. Assistance Systems in Manufacturing 1) is beneficial, but not a prerequisite.