After successful completion of the course, students are able to
Special problems of aircraft design are worked out by the seminar participants in the form of independent contributions under the technical supervision of the institute, prepared as a manuscript and lecture, presented and discussed. The topics are taken from annually changing areas of aircraft design and proposed to the participants for selection. Example topics: Numerical aircraft design. Derivation of low parametric statistical models from complex data sets. Parameter studies and optimisation. Propulsion integration. Glider design.
After selecting the topic to be worked on, students are assisted in finding suitable literature. The manuscript will be sent to the instructor via email before the presentation and uploaded by the instructor in TISS or TUWEL for all participating students. After the lecture, the students are invited to discuss the presentation. The quality of the presentation will be discussed by and with the students, questions will be asked about the content and the new insights they have gained from the presentation will be discussed.
Compulsory attendance!
Preparation of the seminar manuscript and the presentation, lecture, attendance.
The student must have at least 1 of the course(s) completed listed below:
Positive completion of VU Aircraft Design I (mandatory) and VU Aircraft Design II (preferred).
Knowledge of fluid mechanics and aircraft design.