Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage
- Vorträge von Wissenschaftlern über deren aktuelle Forschungsaktivitäten aktiv zu verfolgen und dazu Fragen zu stellen,
- eine konzise Zusammenfassung eines wissenschaftlichen Vortrags zu erstellen,
- aktuelle Trends in der Informatik zu nennen und darüber kompetent zu diskutieren
Guest professors invited by the TU Wien Informatics Doctoral School will give a (typically) 45-minute talk about their research area
The talks will be given in presence or online.
It seems highly probable that we can offer at least 5 talks in total during this study year 2022/23. Due to the uncertainties caused by CoVid and the related restricitions, some of the talks may be announced or cancelled on relatively short notice, so please keep checking this page. All details will be announced as soon as possible.
In your planning please consider taking this course in both, winter term and summer term. You can combine the talks from both semesters in a study year
Scheduled talks:
The first talk has been scheduled as follows:
* November 4, 13:00, FAV1: Dines Bjørner -- Domain Science & Engineering: from Programming Language Semantics to Semantics of Humanly Artefacted Domains, see
This talk will be given in presence only, no streaming
* November 25, 13:00 c.t., EI8: Allison Stanger -- Who elected Big Tech?,
This talk will be given in presence only, no streaming
* November 30, 15:00 c.t., HS14A: Mohammad Farshi -- A Quick Overview of Geometric Spanner Networks,
This talk will be given in presence only, no streaming
Following talks will be announced as soon as possible.
The plan is to have at least 5 talks in total during this study year 2022/23.
Students will be graded provided that the following requirements are fulfilled:
- Attendance to at least 3 talks (to be proven).
- Submission of assignment.
Preferably, students attend 4 talks, choose 3 of those for their report and give a summary of at least 2 pages for each.
For students who can only attend 3 talks this summary must comprise at least 3 pages for each talk.
Talks will be offered both in winter term 2022/23 and summer term 2023, and any combination of all those may be chosen (but the course will definitely end after the summer term, a further combination with talks from the winter term 23/24 will not be possible).
The reports should be written in English and in latex (a template is provided in TUWEL). The deadline for submission of the assignment is July 31st at 23:55h through TUWEL.