Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage...
die ökonomischen Grundlagen der Nutzen-Kosten-Analyse im Detail zu verstehen und ökonomische Bewertungsmethoden (u.a. für öffentliche Güter) anzuwenden.
Learning goals:
*Comprehensive knowledge about the foundations and principles of benefit-cost Analysis •Welfare economics •Discounting *Overview and understanding of methods for the economic valuation and monetization of public goods •Revealed – stated preferences •Ecosystem services *Strengths and weaknesses of benefit-cost analyses *Application of benefit-cost analysis
*Introduction: economics and the bare bones of benefit-cost analysis •Economics and scarce resources •Economics and the Environment -Ecosystem services and the economics efficient (optimal) quality of the environment •Public goods, externalities – a brief repetition *Structure and process of a benefit-cost analysis •Benefits and Costs of the Donauauen National Park, Austria *Basics of Welfare Economics •Supply and demand •Utility, willingness-to-pay, willingness-to-accept *Discounting •Valuation of future events •Uncertainties, risks: sensitivity analyses *Economic valuation of public goods and services •Ecosystem services & different kinds of values •Methods of environmental valuation: revealed & stated preference *Revealed preferences and cost-based methods *Specific topics: valuation of health impacts & of time *Stated preferences •Contingent valuation •Choice experiments *Best practice guidance for stated preference surveys
Schriftliche Prüfung
Aus früheren Semestern: Stoff der VU Ökonomische Methoden der Projektbewertung (Master); vorteilhaft: Einführung in die VWL, Finanzwissenschaft und Infrastrukturökonomie (Bachelor)