376.042 Selected Topics - Automation and Control
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2023W, VU, 4.0h, 5.0EC


  • Semester hours: 4.0
  • Credits: 5.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to

  • describe and classify robotic systems and general rigid-body systems,
  • model and simulate the kinematics and dynamics of rigid-body systems,
  • perform simple trajectory planning for a robot in joint space and task space,
  • apply fundamental control concepts for robots,
  • utilize modern computer algebra (Maple) and numeric (MATLAB/Simulink) software to model, simulate and analyze dynamical systems, and
  • apply linear control design methods (loop-shaping, pole placement) to such systems.

Subject of course

Lecture in winter term:

  • Fundamentals of robotics: Degrees of freedom, kinematic spaces, control structures
  • Robot kinematics: Forward and inverse kinematics, forward and inverse differential kinematics, manipulator Jacobian, kinematic and representation singularities
  • Trajectory planning: Paths and trajectories, straight paths, time parametrization, trajectories with via points
  • Robot control: fundamental control concepts for robots in joint space and task space, control of industrial robots

Lab exercises in summer term:

  • System analysis using Maple: Introduction to the computer algebra software Maple, mathematical modelling of rigid-body and nonlinear systems
  • System analysis using MATLAB/Simulink: Introduction to MATLAB/Simulink, simulation of rigid-body systems, application of the methods from the lecture Automation to specific simulation examples as well as laboratory experiments
  • Modelling and simulation of a robot: Application of the theory for robot kinematics and dynamics to a 3-axis robot, analysis of singularities
  • Control of a robot: Application of the theory for robot control to a industrial 6-axis robot, comparison of fundamental control concepts

Teaching methods

Lecture (attendance in the lecture hall), lab course (attendance in the laboratory), preparation of problems prior to the lab courses, independent solution of advanced examples during the lab course, implementation of the designed controllers and observers on lab experiments, discussion of the theoretic foundation during the lab course

Mode of examination


Additional information

  • The presentation of this course takes place on October 12th, 2023 at 13:00 am in the EI 3A HS.
  • In the winter term, a lecture (2 hours) in Selected Topics - Automation and Control is given. The lecture starts approximately at midterm (see section "course dates") and will held with attendance in the lecture hall.
  • In the subsequent summer term, the theoretical knowledge in the field of modeling, simulation, identification, controller and observer design obtained from the lectures Automation, Mathematical Modelling and Selected Topics - Automation and Control will be applied to specific laboratory experiments. For this, also an introduction to the standard software tools of automatic control (MATLAB/Simulink, Maple) will be given. General information regarding the course will be provided in the last lecture in the winter term. Moreover, groups will be formed in this lecture. The dates and the format (laboratory or online) will be announced as early as possible.
  • The TUWEL course is the basis lab courses. All necessary information and the group assignments will be provided there. 



Course dates

Thu13:00 - 14:0012.10.2023EI 3A Hörsaal E376: VU Fachvertiefung - Automatisierungs und Regelungstechnik, Vorbesprechung
Thu13:00 - 15:0016.11.2023 - 11.01.2024EI 3A Hörsaal Vorlesung
Thu13:00 - 15:0011.01.2024EI 3A Hörsaal E376: VU Fachvertiefung - Automatisierungs und Regelungstechnik Vorbesprechung zum Übungsteil im SS
Thu08:00 - 17:0007.03.2024 Computerlabor E376, CA0426Übung 1
Thu08:00 - 17:0021.03.2024 Computerlabor E376, CA0426Übung 2
Thu08:00 - 17:0011.04.2024 Computerlabor E376, CA0426Übung 3
Thu08:00 - 17:0025.04.2024 Computerlabor E376, CA0426Übung 4
Selected Topics - Automation and Control - Single appointments
Thu12.10.202313:00 - 14:00EI 3A Hörsaal E376: VU Fachvertiefung - Automatisierungs und Regelungstechnik, Vorbesprechung
Thu16.11.202313:00 - 15:00EI 3A Hörsaal Vorlesung
Thu23.11.202313:00 - 15:00EI 3A Hörsaal Vorlesung
Thu30.11.202313:00 - 15:00EI 3A Hörsaal Vorlesung
Thu07.12.202313:00 - 15:00EI 3A Hörsaal Vorlesung
Thu14.12.202313:00 - 15:00EI 3A Hörsaal Vorlesung
Thu21.12.202313:00 - 15:00EI 3A Hörsaal Vorlesung
Thu11.01.202413:00 - 15:00EI 3A Hörsaal Vorlesung
Thu11.01.202413:00 - 15:00EI 3A Hörsaal E376: VU Fachvertiefung - Automatisierungs und Regelungstechnik Vorbesprechung zum Übungsteil im SS
Thu07.03.202408:00 - 17:00 Computerlabor E376, CA0426Übung 1
Thu21.03.202408:00 - 17:00 Computerlabor E376, CA0426Übung 2
Thu11.04.202408:00 - 17:00 Computerlabor E376, CA0426Übung 3
Thu25.04.202408:00 - 17:00 Computerlabor E376, CA0426Übung 4

Examination modalities

The examination consists of the following points:

  1. review of the prepared exercises and
  2. participation during the course.

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
04.10.2023 00:00 22.12.2023 00:00 22.12.2023 00:00

Registration modalities

Registration is required due to organizational purposes.

Group Registration

GroupRegistration FromTo
Nachmittagsgruppe 111.01.2024 15:3022.02.2024 22:00
Nachmittagsgruppe 211.01.2024 15:3022.02.2024 22:00
Nachmittagsgruppe 311.01.2024 15:3022.02.2024 22:00
Nachmittagsgruppe 411.01.2024 15:3022.02.2024 22:00
Nachmittagsgruppe 511.01.2024 15:3022.02.2024 22:00
Nachmittagsgruppe 611.01.2024 15:3022.02.2024 22:00
Nachmittagsgruppe 711.01.2024 15:3022.02.2024 22:00
Nachmittagsgruppe 811.01.2024 15:3022.02.2024 22:00
Nachmittagsgruppe 911.01.2024 15:3022.02.2024 22:00
Vormittagsgruppe 111.01.2024 15:3022.02.2024 22:00
Vormittagsgruppe 211.01.2024 15:3022.02.2024 22:00
Vormittagsgruppe 311.01.2024 15:3022.02.2024 22:00
Vormittagsgruppe 411.01.2024 15:3022.02.2024 22:00
Vormittagsgruppe 511.01.2024 15:3022.02.2024 22:00
Vormittagsgruppe 611.01.2024 15:3022.02.2024 22:00
Vormittagsgruppe 711.01.2024 15:3022.02.2024 22:00
Vormittagsgruppe 811.01.2024 15:3022.02.2024 22:00
Vormittagsgruppe 911.01.2024 15:3022.02.2024 22:00


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 235 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Mandatory elective
045 006 Digital Skills Mandatory electiveSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase


Lecture notes for this course and the exercise are available on the website of the institute and in the TUWEL course.

Preceding courses

Accompanying courses

Continuative courses


