629.001 Awareness and meditation I
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2023W, VU, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 3.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Blended Learning

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to...

  • describe basics of meditations,
  • reproduce instructions and terminology of meditations, and
  • meditate alone and in groups.

Social skills and personal competences.
Successful completion of the course can enable students:

  • Being more attentive and relaxed.
  • Observe with less unconscious bias.
  • Have more vitality and zest for life.
  • Being better able to share their own experiences.
  • Understand themselves better.
  • Be more aware and sensible of their needs, the needs of their body, and the needs of others.
  • To integrate some meditations into their own life as needed.

Subject of course


  • Instructions of meditations.
  • Clarifications and differences between meditation, contemplation, concentration, trance, etc.
  • Meditation vs. belief, esoteric, religion, etc.


  • Organization and practical aspects for meditations.
  • Background and context how meditations were designed.
  • Modern translations and interpretations of traditional texts.


  • Requirements for meditations.
  • Preparations and (non-)doing of meditations.
  • Potential risks while doing meditations.
  • Relaxation techniques (short meditations), e.g., before presentations.
  • Impact of awareness on the body/mind.
  • Self-inquiry.
  • Group sharing.

Teaching methods

  • Meditation in meetings, online, with guests, in groups or alone.
    Meditation in groups is self-organized and has following steps:
    1. Preparation and repeating of instructions.
    2. Meditation as individual experience.
    3. Sharing about experience with self-inquiry.
  • Inverted Classroom: E-learning materials in TUWEL as preparations for regular meetings.
  • Regular Meetings: Answering of questions, discussions, polls etc.
  • Protocol: Students keep a protocol of all their meditations.
    There are monthly deadlines at which the protocol must be submitted.
    The protocol contains for each meditation:
    • Date; time; score; which meditation; which group.
    • If and how the meditation was organized.
    • Students also make a self-study of their progress using self-chosen criteria or scale.
  • Written scientific work about meditation using the literature of current meditation research.
  • Review of scientific work.
  • Presentation of scientific work or/and own experiences of mediation on video and in meeting.
  • Email: At any time questions can be asked via email, which will be answered directly or in the lecture.
  • Social interactions: There will be opportunities for social interactions using a supervised TUWEL forum.
    In particular, in this forum students can offer and discuss the meditations organized by them.
  • Feedback: After every deadline the lecturer will provide feedback and current scores via TUWEL.
    It is possible to book a feedback discussion with the lecturer at any time in TUWEL, if capacity allows.
  • Final talk: After the last submission there is a compulsory final talk in which students present their protocol.
    In this talk the lecturer will check if students actually did the meditations as written in the protocol.

Mode of examination


Additional information


“Awareness and Meditation” gives students the opportunity to:

  • Get to know meditation and to integrate it in their life.
  • Find balance from the challenges of the daily university life.
  • Learn more about themselves and exploring better ways to deal with issues in their lives.

“Awareness and Meditation” has nothing to do with:

  • Medical or psychological treatment or therapy.
  • Belief, life coaching, religion or esotericism.
  • Gurus, etc.


The meetings are on Wednesday 09:00 c. t.-11:00.
The first meeting is the preliminary talk.
Announcements are in the beginning via TISS, later in TUWEL.

 ECTS Breakdown

On average, students will have following efforts:

5 hours: Preparations, scientific work and/or presentation, and the final talk.
10 hours:
Attending lectures.
60 hours:

= 75 hours (3 ECTS)



Course dates

Wed08:00 - 09:0004.10.2023 - 24.01.2024HS Atrium 1 Morning Meditation
Wed08:00 - 11:0004.10.2023 - 24.01.2024HS Atrium 2 Parallel
Wed09:00 - 11:0004.10.2023 - 24.01.2024HS Atrium 1 Meeting
Awareness and meditation I - Single appointments
Wed04.10.202308:00 - 09:00HS Atrium 1 Morning Meditation
Wed04.10.202308:00 - 11:00HS Atrium 2 Parallel
Wed04.10.202309:00 - 11:00HS Atrium 1 Meeting
Wed11.10.202308:00 - 09:00HS Atrium 1 Morning Meditation
Wed11.10.202308:00 - 11:00HS Atrium 2 Parallel
Wed11.10.202309:00 - 11:00HS Atrium 1 Meeting
Wed18.10.202308:00 - 09:00HS Atrium 1 Morning Meditation
Wed18.10.202308:00 - 11:00HS Atrium 2 Parallel
Wed18.10.202309:00 - 11:00HS Atrium 1 Meeting
Wed25.10.202308:00 - 09:00HS Atrium 1 Morning Meditation
Wed25.10.202308:00 - 11:00HS Atrium 2 Parallel
Wed25.10.202309:00 - 11:00HS Atrium 1 Meeting
Wed08.11.202308:00 - 09:00HS Atrium 1 Morning Meditation
Wed08.11.202308:00 - 11:00HS Atrium 2 Parallel
Wed08.11.202309:00 - 11:00HS Atrium 1 Meeting
Wed22.11.202308:00 - 11:00HS Atrium 2 Parallel
Wed29.11.202308:00 - 09:00HS Atrium 1 Morning Meditation
Wed29.11.202308:00 - 11:00HS Atrium 2 Parallel
Wed29.11.202309:00 - 11:00HS Atrium 1 Meeting
Wed06.12.202308:00 - 09:00HS Atrium 1 Morning Meditation

Examination modalities

The lecturer will issue a certificate to every student who got points from a protocol submitted before the first deadline.
The scores are:

1 point per short meditation logged in the protocol (Short meditations do not have fixed durations. During the term their minimal length will be increased from 3 min to 30 min.).
2 points per meditation logged in the protocol (Meditations have fixed instructions and durations and they last approximately 1 h.).
3 points per meditation which was organized for a small group.
Up to 3 points for participation, self-assessment or reviews.
Up to 10 points for the presentation.
Up to 25 points for the written scientific work.

Precondition to be allowed to the final talk is to have scored 100 points; at least half of which must originate from meditations.
If the final talk was successfully completed, the grade is derived from the obtained score:

Grade 4: ≥ 100 points (“Genügend”).
Grade 3: ≥ 125 points (“Befriedigend”).
Grade 2: ≥ 150 points (“Gut”).
Grade 1: ≥ 175 points (“Sehr gut”).


DayTimeDateRoomMode of examinationApplication timeApplication modeExam
Wed08:00 - 14:0029.01.2025Theresianumgasse HS 1 - MWB oralunknownFinal Meeting

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
15.07.2023 06:00 04.10.2023 09:00 04.10.2023 09:00

Registration modalities

If the registration in TISS does not work or there are questions, please write an email to markus.raab@complang.tuwien.ac.at.


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 445 Mechanical Engineering Not specified
TRS Transferable Skills Not specified


No lecture notes are available.

Previous knowledge

No prior knowledge needed.

Prerequisite is good physical and mental condition.
Otherwise contact markus.raab@complang.tuwien.ac.at before registration.

Accompanying courses


  • Attendance Required!


if required in English