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389.207 Bayesian Machine Learning
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2021W, VO, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 3.0
  • Type: VO Lecture
  • Format: Hybrid

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to understand and apply fundamental theory and methodology of Bayesian machine learning. A further outcome is an improvement of English language skills.

Subject of course

* Introduction:  Motivation, applications, outline.

* Bayesian estimation:  General Bayesian estimator, MMSE estimator, MAP estimator, ML estimator.

* Bayesian classification:  General Bayesian classifier, MAP classifier, ML classifier.

* Exponential family:  Definition and expressions, log-partition function, sufficient statistic, posterior distribution, conjugate prior, Bayesian estimators, examples.

* Bayesian networks:  Definition, basic examples, conditional independence, d-separation property, Markov blanket.

* Elementary distributions and conjugate priors:  Gaussian, gamma, inverse gamma, Wishart, inverse Wishart, Bernoulli, beta, multinomial, Dirichlet, Student's t, embedding in the exponential family, elementary inference problems.

* Sampling methods:  Rejection sampling, importance sampling, MCMC methods, Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, cycles of MCMC kernels, Gibbs sampler.

* Variational Bayesian methods: Laplace approximation, evidence lower bound, mean-field approximation, CAVI algorithm, stochastic variational inference, variational EM algorithm, expectation-propagation algorithm.

Optional topics (two to be chosen by the students)

* Inference in probabilistic networks: Factor graph, sum-product algorithm, max-sum algorithm, loopy belief propagation.

* Gaussian mixtures:  Definition, ML methods, sampling methods, variational Bayesian methods, clustering.

* Gaussian process regression:  Gaussian process model, regression, learning the hyperparameters, Gaussian process classification, relevance vector machine.

* Bayesian deep learning:  Bayesian neural networks, learning the weights, variational Bayesian methods, dropout.

Teaching methods

The prof (Hlawatsch) verbally presents the class material, discusses the material with his students, and answers the students' questions. For this, he uses a blackboard, on which he writes certain characters and draws simple figures with a piece of chalk (also using different colors if helpful). He also uses a tablecloth to erase the board every now and then. Finally, he uses an overhead projector to project more complicated figures and tables on a screen. The prof's presentation is supported by lecture notes.

Mode of examination


Additional information

This course is an optional part of the "Wahlmodul Advanced Signal Processing."

First class: Thursday, 7 October 2021, 3.15 pm. The course will be conducted online via Zoom. A link will be sent through TISS to those subscribed.



Course dates

Thu15:00 - 17:3007.10.2021Sem 389 (LIVE)Bayesian Machine Learning

Examination modalities

Oral exam

Course registration

Not necessary


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 507 Telecommunications Not specified


Lecture notes for this course will be made available.

Recommended textbook: Christopher M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.  Free download:


Previous knowledge

Working knowledge of random variables and linear algebra

