389.143 Selected Topics in Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2024S, VU, 4.0h, 5.0EC


  • Semester hours: 4.0
  • Credits: 5.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to characterize the interaction of electromagnetic fields and electronic circuits, and the human physiology, as well. They know how to estimate and how to calculate these interactions quantitatively:



Students remember fundamental interaction mechanisms of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and electronic devices as well as physiological interaction of EMF and human body. They achieve specific literature research skills.


They understand interaction mechanisms of EMF coupling (low frequency) and EMFW (RF frequency) coupling into electronic devices and printed circuit boards (PCB), thus understanding the framework of electromagnetic compatibility, as well as understanding thermal and non thermal interactions of EMF and EMFW with human body tissue.


Students apply fundamental concepts of electromagnetic compatibility as well as precaution human EMFW safety concepts.


They are able to analyze complex multi frequency exposition scenarios by applying specific measurement apparatus and measurement techniques.


Students will be able to evaluate complex EMFW exposition, considering  international standardization, regulatory framework, business environment, and social framework. They achieve skills to represent well defined positions in controversial discussions, e.g. regarding safety values.


Finally, students will be able to formulate original concepts fulfilling complex measurement tasks. They acquire skills to evaluate various exposition scenarios, and they will be able to originally contribute to scientific work.



see Bloom's taxonomy for classification of educational learning objectives (6 levels: remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create), Benjamin S. Bloom, M. D. Engelhart, E. J. Furst, W. H. Hill, David R. Krathwohl: Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals. Handbook I: Cognitive domain. David McKay Company, New York 1956

Subject of course

1) Electromagnetic fields and electronic devices, electromagnetic compatibility, technical requirements, european emission limits, measurement techniques and equipment.

2) Interaction of electromagnetic fields and human organism, human electromagnetic bio signals. Non thermal low frequency effects, thermal RF effects, protection guidelines, potential risk communication, EMFW field strength measurement.

3) Real world sources of electromagnetic fields and waves, assessment of EMF compatibility, industrial sources, medical sources, communication sources.

Measurement examples during two excursions at Austrian Institute of Technology, RF mobile communication signal measurements at Institute Lab E389.

Teaching methods

Lectures including exercises with short calculations. Two excursions to the EMC-Laboratories in AIT (Austrian Institute of Technology, Seibersdorf), and the Seibersdorf Laboratories, es well as one RF-Measurement Training unit at the Institute of Telecommunications / TU Wien.

Mode of examination


Additional information

Einführung und gleichzeitig erste Vorlesung sind am DO, 7. März 2024 um 10:00 Uhr. 

Wir informieren Sie per TISS-News regelmäßig bezüglich des zeitlichen Ablaufs.

Die Lehrveranstaltung wird neu strukturiert angeboten, siehe 
"Lehrziel" und "Lehrinhalt". Sie basiert auf den Grundkenntnissen aus der Pflicht-LVA Wellenausbreitung.

ORT UND ZEIT: Immer Donnerstag, von 10:00 bis 14:00 Uhr 

im Seminaraum 118 des 
Institute of Telecommunications, Gußhausstraße 25, Stiege 10, 1. Stock, CG0118.

Bitte abonnieren Sie die Lehrveranstaltung in TISS, Sie erhalten dann regelmäßig Informationen 
über Termine, Skripten, die Ubungsteile der LVA, die Exkursionen und über die Messübung.

Maximale TeilnehmerInnenzahl: 25

Eine LVA-Einheit wird in Form eines Mess- und Laborblocks mit HF-Messungen am Institut 389 abgehalten.

Für Mai / Juni 2024 sind Exkursionen ins Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf, NÖ geplant, in deren Rahmen es die Möglichkeit gibt, selbst NF- und HF-Messungen durchzuführen. 

SKRIPTUM: in deutscher Sprache, momentan in mehreren Teilen zum Download aus TISS



Course dates

Thu10:00 - 14:0007.03.2024 - 27.06.2024Sem 389 VU, Fachvertiefung - Elektromagnetische Felder und Wellen
Mon10:00 - 13:0027.05.2024Sem 389 Lecture
Thu08:00 - 12:0006.06.2024EI 6 Eckert HS Vorlesung
Fri10:00 - 14:0028.06.2024EI 4 Reithoffer HS Vorlesung
Selected Topics in Electromagnetic Fields and Waves - Single appointments
Thu07.03.202410:00 - 14:00Sem 389 VU, Fachvertiefung - Elektromagnetische Felder und Wellen
Thu14.03.202410:00 - 14:00Sem 389 VU, Fachvertiefung - Elektromagnetische Felder und Wellen
Thu21.03.202410:00 - 14:00Sem 389 VU, Fachvertiefung - Elektromagnetische Felder und Wellen
Thu11.04.202410:00 - 14:00Sem 389 VU, Fachvertiefung - Elektromagnetische Felder und Wellen
Thu18.04.202410:00 - 14:00Sem 389 VU, Fachvertiefung - Elektromagnetische Felder und Wellen
Thu25.04.202410:00 - 14:00Sem 389 VU, Fachvertiefung - Elektromagnetische Felder und Wellen
Thu02.05.202410:00 - 14:00Sem 389 VU, Fachvertiefung - Elektromagnetische Felder und Wellen
Thu16.05.202410:00 - 14:00Sem 389 VU, Fachvertiefung - Elektromagnetische Felder und Wellen
Thu23.05.202410:00 - 14:00Sem 389 VU, Fachvertiefung - Elektromagnetische Felder und Wellen
Mon27.05.202410:00 - 13:00Sem 389 Lecture
Thu06.06.202408:00 - 12:00EI 6 Eckert HS Vorlesung
Thu06.06.202410:00 - 14:00Sem 389 VU, Fachvertiefung - Elektromagnetische Felder und Wellen
Thu13.06.202410:00 - 14:00Sem 389 VU, Fachvertiefung - Elektromagnetische Felder und Wellen
Thu20.06.202410:00 - 14:00Sem 389 VU, Fachvertiefung - Elektromagnetische Felder und Wellen
Thu27.06.202410:00 - 14:00Sem 389 VU, Fachvertiefung - Elektromagnetische Felder und Wellen
Fri28.06.202410:00 - 14:00EI 4 Reithoffer HS Vorlesung

Examination modalities

Oral examination: Question 1 (preparation and solution of a simple example), question 2 regarding one specific subchapter.

Course registration

Registration modalities

If interested in the course, please book in TISS, you will receive current information.

If you want to participate, we ask for a mandtory registration per mail to


until March 6th  2024


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 235 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Mandatory electiveSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase


Textbook in German, chapters 1), 2), 3), 4), and 5) summer term version 2023 ready for download.


Previous knowledge

Basic knowledge from VU "Wellenausbreitung" (Bachelorstudium Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik)

