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373.010 Energy economics
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2024W, VU, 3.0h, 4.5EC


  • Semester hours: 3.0
  • Credits: 4.5
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to explain from a historical context...

  • explain the concept of energy services,
  • describe the development of fossil and renewable energy sources,
  • to draw up energy balances and explain them,
  • describe and model energy markets and energy policy instruments,
  • carry out energy industry assessments,
  • analyze energy systems and energy scenarios, and
  • recognize the fundamental relationships in energy system modeling.

Subject of course

03.10.2024: Introduction; Energy services & energy chains (Haas)

10.10.2024: Historical development of energy systems (Haas), Homework 1

17.10.2024: Development of energy supply & demand indicators (Haas)

24.10.2024: Fossil fuels - resources, reserves, markets (Haas)

07.11.2024: Energy markets - basics (Haas), Homework 2

14.11.2024: Fundamentals of economic valuation methods (Fischer), Homework 3

21.11.2024: Resource economics, renewable energy & sustainability (Auer)

28.11.2024: Electricity market - basics, integration of renewable energy technologies (Auer/Loschan), Homework 4

05.12.2024: Electricity market - modelling, applications (Loschan)

12.12.2024: Externalities & energy policy instruments (Haas), Homework 5

09.01.2025: Development of energy scenarios (Auer)

16.01.2025: Outlook - Introduction to energy system modelling (Zwickl-Bernhard)

23.01.2025: Time slots for oral exam (Auer, Zwickl-Bernhard, Haas)

30.01.2025: Time slots for oral exam (Auer, Zwickl-Bernhard, Haas)

Teaching methods

Presentation of the theoretical foundations

Interactive discussion with students

Discussion of practical case studies

Calculation of exercise examples during the course units

Use of interactive presentation/quiz software (e.g. Mentimeter, ...)

Written elaboration of homework (calculation examples (without/with use of software tools), thematic summaries, ...) between the course units

References to further literature and practical information/events

Mode of examination

Written and oral

Additional information

An overview presentation of all courses offered by EEG in the upcoming winter-term will take place on Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024 at 11 a.m. at EI 9!



Course dates

Thu11:00 - 12:0003.10.2024EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Vorbesprechung
Thu11:00 - 14:0003.10.2024 - 23.01.2025EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Vorlesung
Energy economics - Single appointments
Thu03.10.202411:00 - 12:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Vorbesprechung
Thu03.10.202411:00 - 14:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Vorlesung
Thu10.10.202411:00 - 14:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Vorlesung
Thu17.10.202411:00 - 14:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Vorlesung
Thu24.10.202411:00 - 14:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Vorlesung
Thu07.11.202411:00 - 14:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Vorlesung
Thu14.11.202411:00 - 14:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Vorlesung
Thu21.11.202411:00 - 14:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Vorlesung
Thu28.11.202411:00 - 14:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Vorlesung
Thu05.12.202411:00 - 14:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Vorlesung
Thu12.12.202411:00 - 14:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Vorlesung
Thu09.01.202511:00 - 14:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Vorlesung
Thu16.01.202511:00 - 14:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Vorlesung
Thu23.01.202511:00 - 14:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Vorlesung

Examination modalities

The overall grade (100% of the possible total points, i.e. without the bonus points described below) is composed of 3 parts:

- 20% of the total points can be obtained from the written assignments of the exercise examples and submissions at the end of each lecture. These written submissions at the end of a each lecture are carried out as group work (3 students per group).

- 30% of the total points can be obtained from the 5 written assignments of the homeworks (calculation examples, thematic summaries, etc.) that will be handed out during the semester (incl. a deadline for uploading the written homeworks to TUWEL). Comprehensive analyses of a calculation example of homework (e.g. in the form of a short source code development), which allows an extended answer to the question beyond the minimum, will be rewarded with additional bonus points. The written assignments of the homeworks are also carried out as group work (3 students per group).

- 50% of the total points can be obtained in the oral exam at the end of the semester. In the oral exam, which is conducted in several timeslots with a manageable number of students per timeslot, great emphasis is placed on the understanding of system interrelationships of the covered contents of this course. Thematically, in addition to the presented theoretical basics/fundamentals, all elaborated materials and discussions during the semester are relevant as a basis for the oral examination. Each student will receive 5 questions (each with a maximum of 10% points).


HALF of the possible number of points must be obtained in EACH of the written assignments (exercise examples at the end of each lecture, homeworks) during the semester AND in the oral examination at the end of the semester in order to obtain a POSITIVE overall grade for this course. It is not sufficient to obtain more than 50% of the total possible points for this course, but fail to score at least half of the respective possible number of points in one of the three sub-areas.


DayTimeDateRoomMode of examinationApplication timeApplication modeExam
Thu11:00 - 12:0023.01.2025 EEG Seminarraum, Gusshausstr. 25, CF SO29, Kelleroral30.10.2024 00:00 - 23.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu11:00 - 12:0023.01.2025 EI 9 Hlawka HSoral30.10.2024 00:00 - 23.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu11:00 - 12:0023.01.2025 Sitzungszimmer, Gusshausstr. 25, CF 0341, 3. Stockoral30.10.2024 00:00 - 23.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu12:00 - 13:0023.01.2025 Sitzungszimmer, Gusshausstr. 25, CF 0341, 3. Stockoral30.10.2024 00:00 - 23.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu12:00 - 13:0023.01.2025 EI 9 Hlawka HSoral30.10.2024 00:00 - 23.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu12:00 - 13:0023.01.2025 EEG Seminarraum, Gusshausstr. 25, CF SO29, Kelleroral30.10.2024 00:00 - 23.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu13:00 - 14:0023.01.2025 Sitzungszimmer, Gusshausstr. 25, CF 0341, 3. Stockoral30.10.2024 00:00 - 23.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu13:00 - 14:0023.01.2025 EI 9 Hlawka HSoral30.10.2024 00:00 - 23.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu13:00 - 14:0023.01.2025 EEG Seminarraum, Gusshausstr. 25, CF SO29, Kelleroral30.10.2024 00:00 - 23.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu09:00 - 10:0030.01.2025 Sitzungszimmer, Gusshausstr. 25, CF 0341, 3. Stockoral30.10.2024 00:00 - 30.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu09:00 - 10:0030.01.2025 Raum CF 0419, 4. Stockoral30.10.2024 00:00 - 30.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu09:00 - 10:0030.01.2025 EEG Seminarraum, Gusshausstr. 25, CF SO29, Kelleroral30.10.2024 00:00 - 30.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu10:00 - 11:0030.01.2025 Sitzungszimmer, Gusshausstr. 25, CF 0341, 3. Stockoral01.09.2024 00:00 - 28.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu10:00 - 11:0030.01.2025 EEG Seminarraum, Gusshausstr. 25, CF SO29, Kelleroral30.10.2024 00:00 - 30.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu10:00 - 11:0030.01.2025 Raum CF 0419, 4. Stockoral01.09.2024 00:00 - 28.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu11:00 - 13:0030.01.2025EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT written01.09.2024 00:00 - 28.01.2025 00:00TISSSchriftliche Prüfung Energieökonomie für WS2023 und früher
Thu12:00 - 13:0030.01.2025 Raum CF 0419, 4. Stockoral30.10.2024 00:00 - 30.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu12:00 - 13:0030.01.2025 Sitzungszimmer, Gusshausstr. 25, CF 0341, 3. Stockoral30.10.2024 00:00 - 30.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu12:00 - 13:0030.01.2025 EEG Seminarraum, Gusshausstr. 25, CF SO29, Kelleroral30.10.2024 00:00 - 30.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu13:00 - 14:0030.01.2025 Raum CF 0419, 4. Stockoral30.10.2024 00:00 - 30.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu13:00 - 14:0030.01.2025 EEG Seminarraum, Gusshausstr. 25, CF SO29, Kelleroral30.10.2024 00:00 - 30.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu13:00 - 14:0030.01.2025 Sitzungszimmer, Gusshausstr. 25, CF 0341, 3. Stockoral30.10.2024 00:00 - 30.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu15:00 - 16:0030.01.2025 Raum CF 0419, 4. Stockoral30.10.2024 00:00 - 30.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu15:00 - 16:0030.01.2025 Sitzungszimmer, Gusshausstr. 25, CF 0341, 3. Stockoral30.10.2024 00:00 - 30.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu15:00 - 16:0030.01.2025 EEG Seminarraum, Gusshausstr. 25, CF SO29, Kelleroral30.10.2024 00:00 - 30.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu16:00 - 17:0030.01.2025 EEG Seminarraum, Gusshausstr. 25, CF SO29, Kelleroral30.10.2024 00:00 - 30.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu16:00 - 17:0030.01.2025 Sitzungszimmer, Gusshausstr. 25, CF 0341, 3. Stockoral30.10.2024 00:00 - 30.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung
Thu16:00 - 17:0030.01.2025 Raum CF 0419, 4. Stockoral30.10.2024 00:00 - 30.01.2025 00:00TISS373.010 Energieökonomie - Mündliche Prüfung

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
01.09.2024 00:00 31.10.2024 00:00

Group Registration

GroupRegistration FromTo
Gruppe 103.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 203.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 303.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 403.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 503.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 603.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 703.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 803.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 903.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 1003.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 1103.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 1203.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 1303.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 1403.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 1503.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 1603.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 1703.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 1803.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 1903.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 2003.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 2103.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 2203.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 2303.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 2403.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 2503.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 2603.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 2703.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 2803.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 2903.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 3003.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 3103.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 3203.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 3303.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 3403.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 3503.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 3603.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 3703.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 3803.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 3903.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 4003.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 4103.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 4203.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 4303.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 4403.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 4503.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 4603.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 4703.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 4803.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 4903.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00
Gruppe 5003.10.2024 14:0010.10.2024 00:00


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 266 Environmental Engineering Mandatory5. SemesterSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase
066 435 Power Engineering Not specified1. Semester
066 503 Electrical Power Engineering and Sustainable Energy Systems Mandatory1. Semester
066 506 Energy Systems and Automation Technology Mandatory1. Semester
066 507 Information and Communication Engineering Mandatory1. Semester


Lecture notes for this course are available at TUWEL

