After successful completion of the course, students are able to......describe the structure, operation and application of modern electron devices...characterize the behavior during large and small signal operation...describe device models...explain basic analog and digital circuits...analyze mostly analog circuits containing bipolar transistors, MOSFETs, and operational amplifiers...construct transfer characteristics of (C)MOS circuits...describe current trends in microelectronics
All important semiconductor devices and basic circuits, including diodes, bipolar transistors and field effect transistors. Structure, operation, and characterization, static and dynamic, small- and large-signal models. Basic circuits, in particular amplifiers, current and voltage sources, differential amplifer, power amplifers, basic circuits for digital electronics. Operational amplifiers characteristics and basic circuits. Emphasis on current trend in basic building blocks of microelectronics.
Lecture; demonstration of problems (Großgruppenübungen); solution and presentation of problems (Kleingruppenübungen); independent solution of additional problems
This course is identical to the lecture part of VU 362.072 Electron Devices. The exercises part of 362.072 need not be enrolled and no participation in the Klausuren is required. The streams of the lectures are provided in the TUWEL course of 362.072. To obtain access, please enroll for group 99 in 362.072.
oral examination
Not necessary