360.060 Selected Topics - Advanced Programming
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2025S, VU, 4.0h, 5.0EC


  • Semester hours: 4.0
  • Credits: 5.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to...

  • ... explain the language features of C++ and to discuss potential use cases.
  • ... describe the functionality of important parts of the standard library.
  • ... describe and apply important design patterns.
  • ... design own C++ libraries using language features and the standard library efficiently.
  • ... understand and use the interface of other C++ projects.
  • ... asses, present and discuss fundamental/new/proposed language/library features of C++ in detail.

Subject of course

C++20 as core language covering selected topics from the following areas:

  • basic concepts
  • type deduction
  • trivial types
  • pointers / references
  • value categories
  • conversions
  • lambdas
  • operator overloading
  • classes
  • smart pointers
  • iterators
  • constant expressions
  • templates
  • concurrency

Teaching methods

Part 1: Lectures, discussion of case studies and programming assignments (together with lecture 360.251)
Part 2: Presentation and discussion of a language/library extension

Mode of examination

Written and oral



Examination modalities

Part 1: The grading is based on the oral discussions about the students hand-in exercises. These discussions take place during the course of the semester.
Part 2: Additionally a technical talk is given on a selected topic.

Course registration

Not necessary


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 235 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Not specifiedSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase


No lecture notes are available.

