Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage...
After successful completion of the course, students are able to utilize typical RF measurement instruments like vector network analyzer, spectrum analyzer, signal analyzer, and power meter. The students extend their theoretical knowledge, gained in the course 354.058 RF Techniques, by practical applications, such as designing small signal matching circuits, measuring S-parameters, characterizing digitally modulated signals, measuring nonlinear effects of power amplifiers.
The course is split into five lab exercises. In small groups, students complete tasks in a hands-on approach, learning to utilize typical RF measurement instruments.
Administrative issues concerning the lecture will be discussed on March 6, 2024, 14:00 in Seminarraum (CF0153) (combined with 354.084 RF Simulation Tools).
Please be present at the above mentioned event: The group assignment as well as registration for the entry exam (if needed) will take place here. Your attendance is required to enroll in the course.
The lab schedule will be announced at the administrative meeting.
The lab units take place either in the morning (8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.) or in the afternoon (1.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.) - please see the schedule for details. The course room CF0137 is located on the first floor, next to the main staircase of Gußhausstraße 25.
Course related downloads can be found on TUWEL (see link above).
At the beginning of each course there will be a short multiple-choice test to check if the students are prepared for the lab course. The multiple-choice test is founded on previous knowledge from the course "354.058 VU RF Techniques". Two or more negative multiple-choice tests cause a negative grade for the course and a suspension for this year's course! In addition, at the end of the day, a short written test will take place to confirm the learned and exercised topics. The test is mainly based on what you learned in the lab course.
The laboratory courses require previous knowledge from the following topics:
RF1: Smith chart, vector network analysis
RF2: Small signal amplifiers, matching network synthesis and analysis
RF3: Spectrum Analysis
RF4: Signal Analysis
RF5: Power Amplifier Measurement
Enrollment to the lab course depends on the successful completion of the course 354.058 RF Techniques and requires attendance at the preliminary discussion:
If you cannot attend the preliminary discussion please contact the course supervisors in advance.
Additional literature for each lab course is found on TUWEL.
Successful completion of the course "354.058 VU RF Techniques" or equivalent knowledge is required. If the course has not been completed, your equivalent knowledge will be checked by an examination before the first lab course. Please be aware, that this entry test serves as an absolutely last chance to pass the requirements for the lab. It is strongly recommended to successfully pass the RF Techniques course. The entry test is designed to be at least as hard as the RF Techniques exam, because we need to ensure that all students have the required theoretical knowledge!
The date of this exam (a multiple choice test) will be fixed during the administrative meeting (attendance mandatory). The main topics addressed are: